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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Adjust Rewards Based on Card Level

in #splinterlands2 years ago

I have to add that there are some cards that are better at level 1 than at max level in certain situations (or at a lower level). How many people have upgraded their fiends, for example? Not saying maxed-out fiends cannot be powerful - just how often a maxed-out fiend is used in-game currently. Level 1 fiends are used so often. Same for the Furious Chicken. How many own/use it at max level?

While I understand why the proposal was made, and generally I like it because I'm one of the players who use upgraded cards (many maxed out), there are situations where the gameplay logic favors non-upgraded cards.

Therefore, this proposal may need some revising for the final form, I believe.


I echo the above, as soon as I read this, I kept thinking '0 man fiend. 1 mana fillers'. They're tactical cards and used as shields, and dumb to upgrade. This proposal has its flaws.

Yep I would not want to play a lv 5 Furious Chicken in Champion vs a Level 6 and get a penalty
Same stats same abilities just one would be penalized the other would not due to it being level 6 lol.