Second Splinterlands challenge so far this year, this time the selected Battle Rule is: Back to Basics, which is that all cards on the battlefield will have their abilities disabled except for summoners, which can use them normally. Although this rule affects the gameplay, it is not as bad as other rules that affect how a battle can be played, so without further ado, these are the two battles I selected with the Back to Basics Battle Rule:

This first battle is composed exclusively of cards from the DEATH deck, also due to the second Battle Rule, which is: Little League, I could only use cards with a maximum mana cost of four (4) points, in this way the types of strategies are quite reduced, but in the end I managed to create a pretty decent strategy that gave me good results, being the following: In first position is: ANIMATID CORPSE, a Melee type card that has a very good amount of life points, in terms of attack and speed it is not so good, but with what it has it can cause a decent amount of damage. The next two positions are composed by Magic Attack type cards, being the first of them and occupying the second position is: REVEALER, one of my favorite cards of the DEATH deck, especially for its "Stun" ability, however due to the Back to Basics Battle Rule, it can't make use of its ability, although in offensive terms it is decent anyway. In third position is: VENARI BONESMITH, a card that in terms of attack is not so strong, since his best specialty is his abilities, but again, due to Back to Basics he can't afford to use them.

In the last three (3) positions are composed by cards of the Rank Attack type, being the first of them and occupying the third position is: DARK FERRYMAN, a card that I like a lot, especially its low mana cost, which considering that it has five (5) life points, its value makes it an excellent card to use when you have little amount of mana available. In penultimate position is: TWISTED JESTER, one of my oldest cards in my collection and possibly one of the most used cards in my collection, a pretty good card even with its ability disabled. And in last position is another card as old as the previous one, that card is: HAUNTED SPIDER, another card that loses a bit of utility due to Back to Basics, since its ability "Poison" is one of the most annoying of the game when it takes effect, but in offensive terms it achieves its purpose.

This second battle is composed almost entirely of cards from the EARTH deck and this strategy has mostly cards of the Magic Attack type, being the formation for this second battle the following: In first position and occupying the role of "tank card" is: FAILED SUMMONER, a card that does not have any attack stats, but makes up for it with its ability to resist a good batch of enemy attacks. In second position is also another card that does not have any attack stats, that card is: CHAOS AGENT, this card is quite weak, but still serves as a "bait" card, as I like to call it. In all the following positions are composed by Magic Attack type cards, being the first of them and occupying the third position is: REGAL PERYNTON, one of my favorite cards of the EARTH deck, it is a pretty good card in terms of stats, which together with its low mana cost value, makes this a good option to use.

In fourth position is: SPIRIT MINER, but in its normal version, because remember that I had to sell the gold version of this card and although the specialty of SPIRIT MINER is its ability that gives speed to all my cards, also this card in offensive terms is really good. Another of my favorite cards of the EARTH deck is the one in penultimate position, which is: SPIRIT SHAMAN, although this is a card that has more utility thanks to its ability "Stun", which we already know that this time can not use it. And to close this formation of cards, in last position is: VENARI SPELLSMITH, another decent card, although it is not as strong or as useful as the previous ones, although thanks to the ability of the summoner Obsidian, makes the utility of this card, as well as the previous cards of the Magic Attack type of this second battle, increase considerably.

Segundo reto de Splinterlands de lo que va de año, esta vez la Regla de Batalla seleccionada es: Back to Basics, la cual consiste en que todas las cartas del campo de batalla tendrán desactivadas sus habilidades a excepción de los invocadores, los cuales podrán usarlas con normalidad. Esta regla a pesar de que afecta bastante el modo de juego, no es una regla tan mala como otras que te afectan demasiado cómo puede transcurrir una batalla, por lo que sin más dilación, estas son las dos batallas que seleccioné con la Regla de Batalla Back to Basics:

Esta primera batalla está compuesta exclusivamente por cartas del mazo DEATH, además debido a la segunda Regla de Batalla, la cual es: Little League, tan solo podía utilizar cartas de un máximo costo de mana de cuatro (4) puntos, de esta forma los tipos de estrategias se reducen bastante, pero al final logre crear una estrategias bastante decente que me dio buenos resultados, siendo la siguiente: En primera posición se encuentra: ANIMATID CORPSE, una carta del tipo Melee que cuenta con una muy buena cantidad de puntos de vida, en términos de ataque y velocidad no es tan buena, pero con lo que tiene puede causar una cantidad de daño decente. Las dos siguientes posiciones están compuestas por cartas del tipo Ataque Mágico, siendo la primera de ellas y ocupando la segunda posición se encuentra: REVEALER, una de mis cartas favoritas del mazo DEATH, especialmente por su habilidad “Stun”, sin embargo debido a la Regla de Batalla Back to Basics, no puede hacer uso de su habilidad, aunque en términos ofensivos es decente igualmente. En Tercera posición se encuentra: VENARI BONESMITH, una carta que en términos de ataque no es tan fuerte, ya que su mejor especialidad son sus habilidades, pero nuevamente, debido a Back to Basics no puede hacer lujo de usarlas.

Esta segunda batalla está compuesta por cartas del mazo EARTH casi en su totalidad y esta estrategia cuenta en su mayoría con cartas del tipo Ataque Mágico, siendo la formación para esta segunda batalla la siguiente: En primera posición y ocupando el rol de “carta tanque” se encuentra: FAILED SUMMONER, una carta que no cuenta con ningún stats de ataque, pero lo compensa con su capacidad de poder resistir una buena tanda de ataques enemigos. En segunda posición también se encuentra otra carta que no cuenta con ningún tipo de stats de ataque, esa carta es: CHAOS AGENT, esta carta es bastante débil, pero aun así sirve como una carta “carnada”, como me gusta llamarlo. En todas las siguientes posiciones están compuestas por cartas del tipo Ataque Mágico, siendo la primera de ellas y ocupando la tercera posición se encuentra: REGAL PERYNTON, una de mis cartas favoritas del mazo EARTH, es una carta bastante buena en términos de stats, lo cual junto con su bajo valor de coste de mana, hace que esta sea una buena opción para utilizar.

En cuarta posición se encuentra: SPIRIT MINER, pero en su version normal, ya que recordemos que tuve que vender la version dorada de esta carta y aunque la especialidad de SPIRIT MINER es su habilidad que otorga velocidad a todas mis cartas, igualmente esta carta en términos ofensivos es realmente buena. Otra de mis cartas favoritas del mazo EARTH es la que se encuentra en penúltima posición, la cual es: SPIRIT SHAMAN, aunque esta es una carta que tiene más utilidad gracias a su habilidad “Stun”, que ya sabemos que en esta ocasión no la puede utilizar. Y para cerrar esta formación de cartas, en última posición se encuentra: VENARI SPELLSMITH, otra carta decente, aunque no es tan fuerte ni tan útil como las anteriores, aunque gracias a la habilidad del invocador Obsidian, hace que la utilidad de esta carta, así como las anteriores cartas del tipo Ataque Mágico de esta segunda batalla, aumenten considerablemente.

In fourth position is: SPIRIT MINER, but in its normal version, because remember that I had to sell the gold version of this card and although the specialty of SPIRIT MINER is its ability that gives speed to all my cards, also this card in offensive terms is really good. Another of my favorite cards of the EARTH deck is the one in penultimate position, which is: SPIRIT SHAMAN, although this is a card that has more utility thanks to its ability "Stun", which we already know that this time can not use it. And to close this formation of cards, in last position is: VENARI SPELLSMITH, another decent card, although it is not as strong or as useful as the previous ones, although thanks to the ability of the summoner Obsidian, makes the utility of this card, as well as the previous cards of the Magic Attack type of this second battle, increase considerably.

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