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RE: Splinterlands DHF Proposal

in #splinterlands8 months ago

I will vote on the proposal although I believe that the future of Splinterlands lies in another chain. The way you present the proposal, I think you hope it doesn't get approved, because I'm sure you know the game would do better in other lands.

I think that could put an end to the issue of fictional players bleeding the project dry. But deep down, I would like Splinterlands to succeed in this chain, which is a real challenge. You can count on my help.

Votare la propuesta aunque creo que el futuro de Splinterlands reside en otra cadena. Por la forma que presentas la propuesta, creo esperas que no se apruebe, porque estoy seguro de que sabes que al juego le ira mejor en otras tierras.

Creo que eso podria poner fin al tema de los jugadores ficticios que desangran el proyecto. Pero muy en el fondo, desearia que Splinterlands triunfara en esta cadena, lo cual es un verdadero reto. Cuenta on mi apoyo.


Upvoted, because I don't like it if users get downvoted just because of having different opinions.

Thanks very much, friend.

How would "fictional players" exist less on other chains where it's way easier to create 10,000 addresses/accounts?

It's certainly a big problem both in other chains and in Splinterlands. And I think that not enough has been done to address that problem, which causes distortions, both here and in other blockchains. Part of why this support is being requested today comes from this situation.

Ciertamente es un gran problema tanto en otras cadenas como en Splinterlands. Y creo que no se ha hecho lo suficiente para atender ese problema, que causa distorsiones, tanto aquí como en las demás blockchain. Parte de que hoy se este solicitando este soporte, deviene de esta situación.