Splinterlands - SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge - Theme: Dragons

in #splinterlands3 years ago


Hello everyone, i hope you all enjoying Splinterlands like me and grow with fun! :)

Today i wanna participate and talk about the SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge - Theme: Dragons.

My favorite one is definitly the Boss of all Dragons... Tanky, good damage, nice speed, good buffs.

.. of course hes legendary but really cheap, no clue why.

So i decided to get him a few days ago, and hes definitly worth it. :D


ITS ROBO-DRAGON KNIGHT! :D ... i just saw he went up from 22$ to 44$ in just a couple days, glad i got him earlier. 😝

Now i will show you how strong he is with this following battle. He almost solo carried me through this game.


Yodin is a fking strong summ but i gave my ROBO-DRAGON KNIGHT some wings and he smashed it. :D


You wanna see the fight, right?

Here you can have it. :P



... what a beauty!

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