Every 10k points will ONLY provide a CHANCE to RECEIVE rewards so it's NOT GUARANTEED. the more players that burns the lesser chance you get especially if other players burns more than you. if you're not in a guild you basically get nothing out of the burning aside from a lottery ticket.
I see majority of players doesn't really care,like me, i'm not happy but i'm not against it either since i know that SPL is only doing it to improve the game economy.
In the end the only ones that will happy will be SPL and the whales.
This is NOT MAINLY to thank players but just an opportunity to improve the game economy. Just my opinion. No hate. I still love the actual game.
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It is guaranteed. What is not guaranteed is the price you will get but it is guaranteed that you will get a prize for every 10k points.
"every 10,000 (10k) points that a player earns during the event will provide a chance to receive one of the following items from the prize pool:"
you are wrong! it can never be guaranteed when there are prize limits.
Every 10k points you get a ticket, and that ticket can be a prize or not.
Think about it, if there are 3075 prizes to be distributed other than the ranking, at the beginning of the event each Dec burned gives 3 points, 3333.33 Dec burned = 10 K points = 1 ticket
If only 10M Dec's are burned the chance is 1 ticket = 1 prize...if more Dec's are burned, the chance of receiving a prize decreases, meaning you may not win anything, only GP.
I see. I might've understood it wrong.