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RE: Splinterlands DHF Proposal

in #splinterlands8 months ago

Hey azir, no need to say thanks though. I only care about Hive (and by extension about Splinterlands) and for that simple reason I want the best outcome for us all.

Right now I'm still voting for both proposals (Return prop + SPL + prop) since it's being funded atm I won't unvote the return proposal (for now).

I'll keep checking frequently, If I see that SPL losses the funding I'll unvote the return proposal by then.

I think that from Hive we are funding via DHF a lot of things that do not deserve to be funded. Vague targets, no reporting, etc.

I think we agree that SPL has screwed up in several things but it has something that the rest of the proposals don't have. Historical data and therefore results to show.

It deserves at least the benefit of the doubt. Let's hope we're not wrong about this.

Cheers mate :)


Yes. Agree on all that. Sad news is few hive people care about DHF and even fewer can impact because we don’t have enough stake. We can potentially change both.

For that reason we should keep working in a stronger 'middle class'.

But to do this we need something that could be very difficult to materialise: to get more people to see HIVE as a valuable asset to own. And the ‘how’ of this is itself the million dollar (or billion!) question. Topic for another day though.

Hopefully funding for SPL keeps secured. I'm happy to see how the development of this proposal has grown. I was genuinely concerned that the proposal would remain in limbo at 10-20M HP.

A stronger middle class is absolutely needed. I consider myself one. It’s difficult not to sell during good time when hive goes to 50 cents or higher. Many sold and left. Are they better off? Maybe. Are they impacting hive governance? No.

It’s a conscious choice and the long term commitment to the chain.

Also regarding your limbo comment; that was the view of many including the founders. So they never tried. I said you don't know the outcome until you try

I am glad they tried then. Hopefully we have all learned something these days and I am positively pleased.

Have a nice day.