Splinterlands Weekly Battle Challenge
Theme: Dragons
This week we have a Dragon-Themed Battle Challenge!
Woo! Everybody loves dragons!!
You can watch the entire highlighted battle here.
This battle features the Desert Dragon
Round 1:

Reverse Speed - Monsters with the lowest speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks
Heavy Hitters - All monsters have the knockout ability (Extra damage against stunned enemies)
Desert Dragon
The star of the show, right on the frontline, in the first ("tank") position. With only 6 starting HitPoints he is weak against magic attacks so I don't use him often, but I decided to roll the dice with him after seeing my opponent hadn't been using many magic attackers in the previous 5 games.
A monster with the Trample ability will immediately attack the next monster down the line after it lands a successful killing blow
Scavo Hireling
In the spot directly behind the tank we have a support card, Scavo Hireling which doesn't attack but is an integral part of the team because of it's Repair ability.
Repair restores some armor to the friendly monster whose armor has taken the most damage
Spirit Hoarder
In the 3rd position from the front I placed another support card: he has a magic attack of his own (+1) and is able to heal a monster in the backline.
Triage provides heals to the friendly backline monster that has taken the most health damage
Feasting Seaweed
This great damage dealing card ("DPS") is buried in the middle of my lineup in an effort to increase it's longevity and thus overall damage output in the match.
The Opportunity ability allows the monster to attack the opposing team's monster with the fewest HitPoints remaining while not in the front position
Merdaali Guardian
In the second position from the rear is another support card who doesn't attack itself, but provides healing to the tank. I made sure to not place it in the farthest back spot which is more vulnerable from Sneak attackers.
The Tank Heal ability heals the front position monster for a percentage of it's max health every turn.
The rear position of this team is held down by another Opportunity attacking monster. I had hoped that it's significant health pool (7) along with the heal from the Triage monster on my team would allow it to protect the backline from Sneak attackers. And it hits HARD so that's always a bonus.
Brighton Bloom
Dragon Summoner who is EXTREMELY underrated IMO (especially in lower leagued matches). Allows the use of Dragon and one additional Splinter's cards, while providing the "Flying" ability to all summoned monsters.
The flying ability gives an increased chance (+25%) of evading ranged or melee attacks from non-flyers
Round 2 Start

The first round consisted of an exchange of blows from the two teams, each providing healing and shield repair to their tanks. The slower Desert Dragon was able to evade 2 out of 4 attacks from the opposing team solely because of the 25% dodge chance from it's Flying ability
Round 3 Start

In the second round both teams were able to almost succeed in defeating the opposing tanks; Shield Bearer reached 1 Health and the Desert Dragon dropped to 2 Health remaining at their lowest points.
Desert dragon avoided another 2 out of 4 attacks from the opposing team, preventing it's death
Round 4 Start

The Desert Dragon was able to dodge 2 attacks yet again this round avoiding death each time, while my team was able to do enough damage to take their Shield Bearer out of the game.
Round 5 Start

The destruction of Desert Dragon was finally achieved in round 4 but it was able to take out the Crystal Werewolf and the Divine Healer in a double kill using the Trample ability before it fell leaving the opposing team with very little to begin the 5th and Final Round.

I hope this battle gives you an idea of the value of the Flying ability as well as the power of Trample when coupled with some luck. So fun! :)
I truly appreciate your time and attention. See-yuh next time! Cheers!
You can watch the entire highlighted battle here.
Theme: Dragons
This week we have a Dragon-Themed Battle Challenge!
Woo! Everybody loves dragons!!
You can watch the entire highlighted battle here.
This battle features the Desert Dragon
Round 1:
Reverse Speed - Monsters with the lowest speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks

Heavy Hitters - All monsters have the knockout ability (Extra damage against stunned enemies)

Desert Dragon

The star of the show, right on the frontline, in the first ("tank") position. With only 6 starting HitPoints he is weak against magic attacks so I don't use him often, but I decided to roll the dice with him after seeing my opponent hadn't been using many magic attackers in the previous 5 games.

In the spot directly behind the tank we have a support card, Scavo Hireling which doesn't attack but is an integral part of the team because of it's Repair ability.

In the 3rd position from the front I placed another support card: he has a magic attack of his own (+1) and is able to heal a monster in the backline.

This great damage dealing card ("DPS") is buried in the middle of my lineup in an effort to increase it's longevity and thus overall damage output in the match.

In the second position from the rear is another support card who doesn't attack itself, but provides healing to the tank. I made sure to not place it in the farthest back spot which is more vulnerable from Sneak attackers.

The rear position of this team is held down by another Opportunity attacking monster. I had hoped that it's significant health pool (7) along with the heal from the Triage monster on my team would allow it to protect the backline from Sneak attackers. And it hits HARD so that's always a bonus.

Dragon Summoner who is EXTREMELY underrated IMO (especially in lower leagued matches). Allows the use of Dragon and one additional Splinter's cards, while providing the "Flying" ability to all summoned monsters.