Brawl it out: Silver - Chaos Legion only - 21th March 2022

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to my blog series "Brawl it out", where I report about my experience in the Splinterlands guild brawl with my mates from #Perpetuals. My main fray is silver Chaos Legion only, which is full of fun. I achieved a pretty nice winrate in my fray and want to share some strategies with you. Lets dive in!

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I´m coming from a nice streak of 100 % winrate brawls, so it felt disappointing, to lose a match this time. Especially after only having three opponents this time, so even one loss hurts your winrate quite hard. But nevermind, my guild #Perpetuals had a great showing, placing number one with a stunning lead of 33 points. As a reward we got 2154 merits, enough for a sweet Gladius pack. As usual, I opened only one rare and four commons. Lets check out my matches.

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> Watch the match on Splinterlands! <

Summoners: Tarsa vs. Tarsa
Available Splinters: Fire, Death, Dragon
Ruleset: Holy Protection

I thought my opponent would choose a meleebuild, as Magic and Range aren´t that good in the open colors, so I build my lineup with this in mind. Didn´t do anything special for the ruleset, as Holy Protection wasn´t that influential.
While Grum Flameblade is fun to play, I consider him inferior to The Forgotten One. Retaliate and the high damage output beats most other melee tanks. Tenyii Striker was my sneak counter, as I expected atleast one sneaker on my opponents side. Dodge just feels great in melee mirrors. Lineup was supported by Supply Runner for speed, Spirit Hoarder for triage, Radiated Brute as another attacker and Orella Abadon, because he is the best Gladius card, I have in fire.

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> Watch the match on Splinterlands! <

Summoners: Kelya Frendul vs. Thaddius Brood
Available Splinters: Water, Life, Death, Dragon
Ruleset: Super Sneak, Broken Arrows

As in my first game, I expected to play against melee for another time, because Super Sneak ruleset of course favors melees. So I decided, to counter with a hopefully better melee setup and everything worked fine. Legionnaire Alvar works fine in Super Sneak with his high armor, especially if you can resurrect him with River Hellondale, who was the secret MVP in this match. I would consider Water as the strongest and most well balanced of the available splinters in Chaos Legion only silver league.

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> Watch the match on Splinterlands! <

Summoners: Obsidian vs. Kelya Frendul
Available Splinters: Water, Nature, Life, Death, Dragon
Ruleset: Rise of the Commons

What. a. stupid. lineup. Don´t ask, why I locked in Nature, instead of Water aswell. Tried to get fancy, I guess. We can clearly see the big weakness of Nature in this game. Magic sure has its benefits, but those Nature magic monsters are just so slow. My Slipspawn got clobbered to death, before doing anything. Exception is of course Regal Peridon. This is why I prefer to play Obsidian mostly only in Reverse Speed. Rise of the Commons got me hard in this game. Water is losing nearly nothing, while Nature loses one of its best cards in Queen Mycelia. GJ opponent, deserved victory for you here.

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That´s all for today. Hope, you liked the content. If so, I would be happy about each upvote and comment. They help me, to produce more and better content in the future. Thank you in advance and good luck for all your games. See you again! 😉

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You haven´t played this awesome game yet, but are interested? Give it a shot. If you register through my link, I can help you at the beginning. Just message me here or on discord @Eledain#2058.

Play Splinterlands now!

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Credits to @nane-qts for those beautiful dividers and @kyo-gaming for those awesome silhouette images of the summoners.



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