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RE: Splinterlands Team: My Thoughts On Survival Mode

in #splinterlands4 months ago (edited)

I’ve expressed my thoughts on this subject many times before, so I’ll keep it simple here:

I stopped putting money into this game a while ago, but I still haven’t sold my assets or left yet. The truth is, I still believe this game can succeed under the right conditions.
Whenever a new asset is sold by the company, I ask myself: "Hmm, should I buy that?" Lately, the answer has been a clear NO.

What the company needs to do is change my mind. Prove me wrong. Let’s remember, I’m just one of many players. My individual opinion might not matter, but if these feelings are shared broadly, they’ll start to matter.

If you’re telling me that the rewards for my efforts and time playing the game will be reduced by 33%, you’re not motivating me to invest in new sets or assets. In fact, quite the opposite.

So, who is this update really for?
Definetely It’s not for real players like me. But its not only that is not for real players, this update actually HURTS real players.

Do you truly expect whales and bot farms to buy the new set when the time comes?
"What would Matt do?" What you would do as a player doesn’t matter since you’re not a regular player. Honestly, @yabapmatt, you need to stop basing decisions on the thought process of

If you keep making decisions from that perspective, only whales will remain in the game. Whales might hold a lot of assets, but they don’t sustain the game or make it grow. Only real, small players will.

Anyway, great post dave, I agree with most of what you expressed.


I share your sentiments with the exception that I refuse to sit on my hands. I'm either participating fully or not at all. Lines continue to get crossed where I want nothing further to do with this game. It's pretty clear their target market is now whales, and that is not sustainable. I think they know this and are trying their best to postpone the inevitable.

Eldon, thank you for expressing your thoughts in detail. I hope they are read. I do 100% think your viewpoints should be considered, because you express sentiments well that many people are feeling.

And I have many others. But you mostly expressed them in your post, I saw no point in repeating them but I totally agree with them.