Bots have been part of the eco-system from the very beginning. That is a somewhat side issue that is entangled with what I was trying to address. But we all understand the point you are trying to make because we have experienced this in different forms from the beginning ourselves. The main point and complaints due to the proposed changes, is that players with level 1 to level 4 decks are now expecting that they have a right to be playing in champion leagues as a result of the problems caused by level 1 bots (more so players with very weak level 1-3 decks). Those weak decks were never intended to be playing in champion leagues, which is why there were separate leagues to begin with. The level of a players deck does technically represent what league they should be playing in, up to a certain point. There will always be exceptions though, where highly skilled players will be able to punch higher than their weight category. You need to remember (not sure how long you have been playing yourself - so I wont make any assumptions) that before the level 1 bots over-inflated player ratings and how high up the ladder the above-mentioned decks could rise, these same decks couldn't get past gold on average and diamond for highly skilled players (specifically level 3-4). level 1 decks decks would reach silver level at best, and only towards the end of a season. That's some perspective on the realities of the past....
Bot playing 24 hours 7 days a week won't be as big of an issue, if or when they are limited to the lower leagues and it limits the over-inflating player rankings (in theory).
I'm not an expert or think I have the perfect solution either.
If you think you have a good solution for it that should be heard, then you should definitely make it known to the devs so they can consider it as a possible fix🙂.