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RE: New Account for Splinterlands Posts & My Goals / Thought Process

to bring as much demand and utility as possible to all Splinterlands assets, sustainably, over the long term.

Key sustainably here, and I'm glad you included it, because it really makes all the difference. There are easy ways to pump certain tokens but to do it in a sustainable way is the true challenge and something I have seen the Splinterlands team have success with over the 1.5 years I've been in the ecosystem.

I believe that the reality is that it's more about the tokenomics than the gameplay.

I'm glad you addressed this head-on because a lot of the people I engage with seem to look over this fact. One of the reasons I've enjoyed this game so much for so long is how robust the tokenomics are (and in turn the secondary markets as well). Of course as you recognize the gameplay is important, as there would be very little demand for the assets if the game weren't fun to play. But I also get plenty of joy from all the different token activities I review on a near-daily basis - Liquididty Pools, Yield from Staking, deciding the best ways to reinvest profits back into the ecosystem, and of course holding a token that provides me a vote in the game's governance. Web3 is a perfect fit for a game that is part game strategy and part token strategy.

This is the core reason I stuck around playing Magic the Gathering for so long - it wasn't just the constantly changing metagames and format environments. I absolutely LOVED the financial underpinnings of the secondary market. Buy low, sell high is rather easy if you can see the changes in strategies and metagames before the wider market. The same is true for Splinterlands as well - if you know how to read the room and perceive the next wave of FOMO, it can be rather simple to stay a few steps ahead of the pack and rack up some easy profits from the first mover advantage.

I look forward to engaging with the community more in the future as a player and community member to discuss ideas

I'm glad you took the time to engage with us as a fellow player and strategist, and not just one of the founders and developers. It is important that you are able to share your opinions as a player separate from those of the company and I look forward to more of your thoughtful proposals and articles in the future. Cheers!