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RE: Tips for Silver League Ranked Matches / シルバーリーグランクマッチのコツ

in #splinterlands2 years ago

Yes indeed I fully agree, this game definitely rewards you for your experience and knowledge for performing in certain battle conditions, as well as how quickly you are able to process thru that data.

What I'm most curious about is the balance on when to focus on making the best deck based on the battle conditions or when to focus on making the best deck to counter what you think you opponent's strategy might be.


It is in ranked matches that you concentrate on building the best deck for the battle situation.
I believe that tournaments are about building the best deck to counter the opponent's strategy. (Only if you are matched with a strong player in the second round)
But you are right, these are all about balance. It is not absolute. Sometimes you can make a decision based on history. In the end, trusting your gut is what makes the most sense. Even if you lose because of that, it's a good learning experience.