We all r hyped about the token but do u know musicforlife sends your post to wrong audience? It's for risingstar, musicians and singers backed by vibes token.
Edit: just bought 1000 although the total supply seems to high.
We all r hyped about the token but do u know musicforlife sends your post to wrong audience? It's for risingstar, musicians and singers backed by vibes token.
Edit: just bought 1000 although the total supply seems to high.
Ya we are i did not know that thanks for the infomation new here to the blog.
The thing is using musicforlife enables u to earn vibes tokens and those r for specific type of posts as explained above. In the extreme case DVs or tribe mute which rarely happens so it's better to stay safe then sorry.
I was curating musicians and this post came. Now u might understand it can be distracting for those who are looking to reward singers.
Makes sense thank you so much so much to learn here. i do play rising star to would that be a good tag for it