
Now you are arguing that the market will be flooded with cheap cards?

David, think of it like this. The market will adjust because humans will make decisions, there will be no more wasted listings at ridiculous prices because that won't be efficient.

Instead what will happen is everyone (big and small alike) will only list cards at prices they feel rent out for. They will not "flood" the market either because they won't want to pay to have them relisted either. So what the market will get is what it needs at prices that both the renters and card owners feel is fair collectively.

Remember there will be season rentals too, this will be a major factor as well. Plus people have land, this will take a lot of cards from the rental market too.

I know it seems scary at first, I have tons of cards listed too. But when you think it through you will see that all this is doing in make people list less frequently if they want to avoid the fee. At stable pricing if they want to avoid the fee. And finally only list cards that are in demand to avoid the fee.

I believe that in 3 months from this happening, you will find a much better player experience of renting cards, plus I think the card owners will find that the rentals have gone up as a result of it.