
Hi buddy, to explain - I missed some things during last days as I have been on a business trip. And realized I also mixed up things commenting - aplogies.

I was aware season rentals are coming and I was aware every card to rent out would cost 1 DEC and every renewal / prize update as well listing fee. 1 DEC is not a lot but I saw some discussions and also heard one rental service stopped their operations as rental market is not that interesting for people anymore that want to rent-out cards.

After some discussion I saw in mav chat around a week ago that after some talks with @genepoolchlrn8r our very own Matt wanted to change stuff and will inform us. Apart from DEC there was even more important a question of using private / active key for such operations.

After having read that other post of Matt now some things are clarified in the meantime, so let us see how that works - am not a fan of season rentals in general but the one-click thing by @jarvie sounds cool.

Sorry for sounding negative before doing all relevant research.


Cool @uwelang ... Thanks for explaining your thoughts and glad you at least like parts of the new changes. And yes the one-click rental feature will be great I think everyone will love that no matter they think about everything else! :)

Actually this a great step in the right direction

Apologies - I missed some posts last days due to some business thing, now read more content that was posted in between - i usually do my research before outlining opinion, in that case my mistake.

i Agree with you season rentals is a big step forward for the players. But i get that some of the card renters are not happy with their assests being locked up for an entire season. They like being able to cancel a rental and rais the price the next 2 day period . In essence the way it works now is they get to keep raising the price on the same person that reneted the card the day before .

I rent out a lot of cards but think that this is a very positive step for the game going forward.

It will be more valuable in the long run and to be honest your cards will spend more time rented out so it shouldn't make that much difference over time.

Better for the renters and there is still profit to be made.

I agree but some people seem to dislike it i am unsure as to why.

Then they can rent it as daily. Or is it the players decide whether it would be rented for season or daily and not the owners??