I believe this is a good solution that addresses the problems we have now, and of course creates more tools for the future. I definitely believe that BH's were a problem that needed to be fixed and they were a systemic issue for the game. Our terms of service are very important to be followed, its what gives the game legitimacy and long term value.
This will give us the tools to 1) detect and 2) deter.
I very much love how the community will be part of the process for enforcement. I'm comfortable that we have a strong community that will work for fairness and also have no tolerance for cheating.
I accept this will give everyone a fresh slate to start over, and I'm looking forward to participating as a community member in any way I can to make this game cutting edge on issues such as this.
And since Sylar was able to do the feat of using bots in Modern Format, which was actually illegal per TOS, isn't he also the best person to prevent that since he already know how to do it?
It's like, "If this person know how to bypass the system, then he can also make a prevention for others to do it." Same as how white hackers work, they hack the website, then tell the companies how they hack their websites so they can put security on it so no one will be able to do the same trick.