You did a great job on this. Looking forward to the new summoners, and also love how you are managing the sales process. I can see this set doing really well for the team, the DAO, and most of all the players... In addition, I think we might be catching a few people off guard by not having enough DEC. :)
I totally agree on this! It's amazing to see how good this is planned. And when Matt said they have new utility for VOUCHERS planned he wasn't kidding. I see them spiking on the market already.
And unfortunately, I'm one of those that doesn't have enough DEC or VOUCHERS. damn
The utility given too VOUCHERs was long overdue and now we should be able to see VOUCHER prices go 10X or at least 5X.
I already lack the DEC needed for Land 1.5 and now with Rebellion, I'm already in a difficult spot. I wish we could wait till the bull market. Alas! @splinterlands have bills to pay!
good for nodes i have then lol i guess i shouldn't have sold like 25 of them lol
I think it may be almost better to just buy runi if you can get a decent price at this point. Boosts land production plus god knows what other things will be added and no dec needed as i understand it still need to move my 6 over should have been 11 but oh well what can ya do when you fuck up and click shit that drains a wallet thats on me lol