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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Daily Burn of Unsold Chaos Legion Packs

in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

Hey @fatjimmy, while I think your point is very valid about all the moves lately being extreme, I think the Matt/Aggy are putting out the issues they see along with their solutions, and really figuring out what the community would want (or not want). I agree it is not a good look though, and maybe its just part of the messy introduction of the DAO usage to make decisions.

My biggest point about all these proposals (some I will vote for and some I won't), is that they are all a symptom of the same problem. Collectively we felt (devs included) the game was taking off and hitting the big time. While we did make a lot of gains in recognition and certainly blew past the competition in many areas, I think the eye was taking off the ball on one of the core elements that will make the game successful on a grand scale: the new user and small user experience.

Like I said I give lots of credit to the Dev team for making some truly awesome decisions: the addition of personnel, the new game additions, the backend work on the dev side, etc have been fantastic. But we can't reach the masses until we also are able to not only attract, BUT TO RETAIN the new and smaller human players (not bots).

On the plus side I think @yabapmatt is squarely focused on that along with others on the team. I think they will pay much more attention to the complicated puzzle required to achieve the solution to this problem. I'm not sure they will admit this as they have the most popular and deep game in the space, but as long as Yaba focuses on this part of the equation then I believe all the great things they've done will shine even brighter.

Its not easy, but I have faith they will figure it out!


Yes you are absolutely correct it miss the small user experience.

Splinterlands done a really amizing offert to the Splinterfest and with a small user experience they would sure sell a lot of packs, but to take part in this promotion you need at least 16 million Dec and with this "small" (obvisiouly it is a very small amount for the splinterlands team) amount you got no runis, no CL-bonus packs from this promotion and only a few SPTD-Packs, so to get really a good package you need to have 160 million DECs.

That's the problem: The Splinterlands team is now so aloof that only people who want to invest five or six-digit dollar amounts are supported, actually only those where the amounts are six digits, everyone else is obviously not up to the effort value. But if you only rely on large investors and alienate all the small players, you will of course have problems selling your packs in the end, because there are not many who just want to put a six-figure dollar amount into this game.

But I have another suggestion also: You can buy a legendary potion for 40 DEC or a alchemy potion for 50 DEC, but in the end much player have them just in the inventar and don't know how to use them at all. If a pack cost 4000 DEC than it would mean 100 legendary or 80 alchemy potions. Ok you get discount with guild and so on, so let it be 200 legendary potions or 160 alchemy potions for one pack - I really think that a lot of players would exchange their unused potions for packe if they could do so.

In my opinion, Splinterlands is once again trying to solve a problem that they created themselves.

You mention some valid points.
For example the potion problem is real. Most players have accumulated a huge amount of potions with no use case at all.

I personally also wonder if all these presales with all the hype and all the discounts for first-time buyers are ultimately counterproductive, because some whales might then make a huge splash, but everyone else may think after the presale that they missed out on the best opportunities anyway and thus see no point of buying under much worse conditions?
How about simply offering products for sale on date x for everyone at the same conditions and that's it. Without any presales at all?
A good product should be able to be sold continuously, without having to appeal to human greed (who gets as much as they can first?) in such an extreme way.

Yes this is also a valid point. In the end you can say that a chaos legion pack loose worth with every airdrop who will take place. as you cannot get anything from the previous airdrops, so as player it is best to buy immediately all packs you need and than no more packs at all, what slow down the process of selling packs after the first hype.

if there not using any potions then tha means there not buying any packs ever and just take out of the ecosystem and never put in ..want to use the potions????? BUY PACKS THEY APPLY TO LL except question is whats up with the coins kinda useless now dont get any as reward dont know any that go that route to get packs or buy potions when they give so many potions out now so the cin is just in the way now a goood idea would be that you could sell your extra potions for coins at least it would give the coin a purpose again...but hey who am i just a pee_on

if there not using any potions then tha means there not buying any packs ever and just take out of the ecosystem and never put in ...

That's just nonsense.

I already bought cards here when most players of nowadays didn't even know that Splinterlands exists at all.
I bought lots of packs.
Nowadays I buy assets solely in the market as my decks are build from pure gold foil cards only where it would be counterproductive to buy packs.

And yes, of course, I take out some of my winnings (after I put in more money than you will do in your whole life). :)

The rapidity of these economic proposals is not encouraging.

Definitely a lot of changes, but I think they are getting some good feedback. So while it might be a little negative for now, I'm happy to see they are seeing how people feel about things. That's the best way to improve... Listen! :)

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment