No @dragonkitty I'm not part of the Splinterlands team or board. I'm just a player like anyone else. I'm flattered that you think I am though :)
Regarding your points about inflation, I believe this is pulling forward demand for DEC and at the same time giving a use-case for Vouchers. I also believe that the DEC sinks for land alone will more than dwarf all the floating DEC currently in existence. In fact I would suggest that the game DEVs have plans for more than 10 Billion of DEC burns in the future between land and new guild alliances. I don't know any more information than anyone else, that's my basis for forming my conclusions.
I do agree that you can't force demand, in fact I think these DEC-B tokens shouldn't even be listed on the markets. If they are truly just a way for players to pre-buy something they want, then the players shouldn't mind locking up those til they are usable when land potions and/or New Guild Alliances are live.
Finally, I'm assuming that there will in fact be demand for vouchers, and if so then whoever wanted them would appreciate having a choice of either DEC (money) or VOUCHERS (promised perk for staking SPS). Choice is ALWAYS a great way to run a business, and both options support the game and the stakeholders.