Long story short if you don't get to catch it yaba mentioned that they wanted guilds with lesser people to more or less "spread the pool" of players due to this being new and not having tens or hundreds of thousands of players yet. I would be on board with that, and the thought I put above was if there were hypothetically 6-8 active guild members for the match, you would have 4-6 reserve or alternate members in the event they can't play. But they are also talking about having the ability to have these matches be the non-instant match variety (the term they use escapes me at the moment) so that we have something like matches set, we pick our lineups say 24-48 hours before and the rest is automated so that people aren't stuck sitting and waiting while it's all going on. In the same respect they started talking about having a very big, they called it "Swedish Match Play" of having say 20 matches that you get the day before for that, set the lineups and then the pool play type of matches are played the following day, so again you don't have to sit through so matches loading and all of that.
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Yeah playing 20 matches is great. 20 matches x 2 minutes with ZERO waiting time is only 40 minutes. Now if you're talking 8 guild members playing against the other guild that's kinda weak sauce in my opinion... 16 minutes isn't really all that substantial unless you're playing 2 games against each player. I'd rather see something like 20 which to me means the guild should have like 25 maybe 30 people. But i don't see why they don't just allow more and people can decide if they want to join a guild with that many seeing that they may not get as much playing time... or perhaps they want to be in a guild with tons more because of exactly that reason.
As sinistry said above they would be asynchronous matches I think is what they are going for. So you have let's say it is 20 matches pre-loaded to set lineups, you set the lineups then the matches are played at a later time so that everyone in the matches are not wrapped up for time. 20 I would assume being against each member once or against 10 members 2 times each. I interpreted that as the hypothetical that was thrown out by yaba and the direction they are aiming for. They are pros and cons of each side having lesser numbers and larger numbers in guilds that is for sure. I think they are looking at having separate divisions for numbers of players and expertise levels. There could surely be 8-10 "Mega Guilds" that is for sure, but I think they are going for a higher quantity for more inclusion and to curb the chance of one guild having 20 of the top 40 ranked players, or a scenario like that which I also see the wisdom in curbing. What about a gold guild, lol? Now that would be intriguing. More of a "Royal/Noble Clan" than guild though as I would call it.
Well seems like that wish of mine may be granted. Looks like 30 may be possible. Obviously they're still developing but it's looking promising.

You mean asynchronous tournaments?
Yeah that's the term they are trying to push ... it kinda sucks to be honest. No one even knows how to spell it without spell check. They can do better... I won't be calling it that.