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RE: New Splinterlands Update Basically Wrecked the Game .. FML

in #splinterlands4 years ago

If you spent $150 on the game and are still capped at silver, there must be something wrong that you did with your money. Did you re-invest or just sell dec the moment you earned it? The league caps aren't difficult to hit at all, and I proposed a challenge to everyone in the discord who thinks they are worthy of going to the next league.

whoever wants extra power for the next league can challenge me using that league's cap and if they win, I will delegate them enough power to reach that league. DM me if interested. Will charge 10 DEC per try to prevent spam. Rules are

  1. Game is best 2 out of 3
  2. DEC must be sent prior to the matches
  3. You may have to wait as I am not always available
  4. You can try as many times as you want but cost is 10 DEC per try

If you are too afraid to take the challenge, don't complain about the league caps since you wouldn't have gotten there anyways.


"If you are too afraid to take the challenge, don't complain about the league caps since you wouldn't have gotten there anyways."

lol, first off fuck you sir and your snooty typing on my screen. XD

I sold off most of the cards I wasn't using and focused on leveling up the main heavy hitters in my deck.. Had I known that this sort of gameplay mechanic was coming ahead of time I'd have horded my shittier cards.

I'll kick your ass 2/3 as long as I can use the white or green factions!

Now that you have offended me you must die. I accept your challenge.

Who won?

Not played him yet. too busy coding the new version of

Hey then challenge me! Go to the SL discord and ask for cornavirus, I will be waiting.