Splinterlands: Gwen's Glint Shop - Ujurak Brave!

in #splinterlands7 months ago (edited)

Ujurak Brave AI art

The Chaos Empire took conscripts as well, including the braves of the Ujurak Tribe, and sent them to the legions of the Zerlagek Kalamenty.

Common Draw

Today I went shopping at Gwen's Glint Shop and spent 150 Glint on a Common Draw reward.

Let's see what I got:

Ujurak Brave

Ujurak Brave

  • Quantity: 1
  • Common Death Monster
  • 6 mana, 2 speed, 3 armor, 7 health
  • Melee damage: 1
  • Immunity

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Gwen's Glint Shop