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RE: Riftwatchers: Success, debrief, request, proposal, and future sale plans

in #splinterlands2 years ago

I understand what the splinterlands team is trying to due but I do worry about the precedence it sets.

I know there are some not able and live where they don't have internet so to that I can't speak about as I don't experience this and I'm glad SL is taking this into account but I worry about if this is the case for people or people making excuse hoping SL will help them.

The team set exception ahead of time it would only be the first 500. People can say I didn't expect it to sell out in a minute but if you wanted you needed to be ready.

I waited for SPS to get as high as it would before RW. I purchased a node 15 - 30 second before the presale which took some time. I click on the rift gems (which may be my saving grace cause I heard people on the screen where it did refresh), sat and calculated how many packs I could buy with my remaining SPS and enter my bonus packs.

I entered my bonus packs this is the way it was currently working on the site and has been since I joined in Feb with CL packs so I'm not sure why this has to be refunded. I watch someone on stream buy packs without entering and person he was on stream with said uh did you enter the bonus packs. The response was oh no I didn't.

I'm not sure how I will vote on this I feel like voting yes from the emotional side but from an overall logistic side I think it should be a no.