In this week’s Battle Mage Secrets, we look at the Lost Legendaries ruleset and see what strategy works when Legendary units can't be used in battle although you can still use Legendary Summoners.
Lost Legendaries is an interesting ruleset because you can't use your typical heavy hitters. What works better are having more high level Epics generally and also cards that have secondary abilities unlocked.
For this battle, I have gone with Mylor Crowling as my summoner because I expect my opponent to use melee attacks as well as some magic attacks.
1st position - Unicorn Mustang - Void ability coupled with Thorns from Mylor make it very formidable.
2nd position - Grund - Doublestrike coupled with reach from the ruleset to be quite a deadly combo.
3rd position - Mushroom Seer - Silence my opponent's magic attackers will make the Unicorn Mustang very strong in battle.
4th position - Wood Nymph - A fast healer for the start of the round healing.
5th position - Goblin Psychic - A slow healer to heal at the end of the round.
6th position - Suidae Shaman - I don't typically use this card but I think the charging might come in handy during the later rounds.
This was a really good battle for me because by Silencing my opponent's magic attackers, he couldn't get past my Unicorn Mustang. I was taking damage mainly from the reflected magic but once the Prismatic Energy was vanquished, it was pretty plain sailing. Also, the healing meant the Mustang was around on the battlefield longer.
By the end of round 3, my opponent was down to his last card while I still had all of mine. It was only a matter of time before the victory was mine. You can catch a replay of the entire battle here:
When there are no legendary cards on the battlefield, you don't need to worry about super abilities but instead, a focus on cards with secondary abilities, buffs and debuffs, can go a long way.
That's all for this Lost Legendaries edition of the Battle Mage Secrets. See you in the next one.
I think for an opponent with a level one summoner, the opponent sure has some really good cards. The summoner failed him. Great attack from second position, the unicorn did its job as a good tank.
Yeah, a more powerful summoner would have done me in for sure. Also, silence paired with a void tank weakened him considerably.
It all comes down to luck sometimes though. But utilizing the reach ability of the Ruleset too was great.
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Good Work, thanks for sharing!