Another season has come to an end and that means we get our season ending rewards. What should I do with the Glint that I've earned? In seasons past, we would get chests that we would open based on how many wins we've earned over the season.
That has changed recently and we can now choose between buying chests or buying draws with the Glint we've earned. So the difference between the two is that with draws, you are guaranteed a class of card - common, rare, epic or legendary.
Chests bring with them some excitement and potential for outsized rewards. But you also have a chance to get some potentially 'lousy' rewards like potions.
Last season, I went for draws and here were my rewards. Nothing too spectacular and all common cards. Could I get something better with chests? Let's see.
Six chests and this could go either way...
First thoughts - 7 common cards which is not a bad return. I also got 1400 merits. That gives me some room to buy a Gladius pack. Now, let's see the return from that.
Well, a decent return from the Gladius packs. I especially like Damon and might use him more in my Death splinter battles. Helmet's also good when you use Weapons Training.
Overall, I think the rewards from the chests were better this time. Not only did I get as many Common rewards cards as the last time, I was also able to buy a Gladius pack from the Merits earned. Let's see what next season brings.
Going for draws are like choosing wild cards. You never know what to expect, but it was good that you could buy a gladius case.
Indeed... does bring a bit of excitement back into the game.
Thanks for sharing! - @libertycrypto27

For the contest I suggest you put more effort into writing the post and also remember to always put the link to Splinterlands because it is a contest rule