Good morning Splinterfriends and Soulkeepers! Hivers and Nocoiners!!
It's CaptainDingus with another Soulkeep Tips Guide and I am here to help you top the Leaderboard and earn some SPS!
Now look... you came to me. You said "I don't understand, I don't lose hearts and kill all fiends but don't get close to the top"...
You may not LIKE what I am about to tell you... you may think "this is a stupid part of the game"...
I am not here to justify WHY you need to do this... or tell you why it isn't bad or annoying or whatever.
I have ONE... ONE. Singular. Goal... To get YOU more points per game and help you reach higher spots on the leaderboard.

Here's the deal... if you want to even REMOTELY have a shot of being on top of the Leaderboard... you either need to be a Super Duper Lucky Kung Fu Genius... or USE THIS CARD.
I don't care what the starting mana is. The moment you load into your map... the VERY FIRST CLICK... is on Heartgiver. No ifs/ands/buts.
I saw someone talking about "whether to play this on Wave 1 or not"...
Yeah that's right!! You heard me!! Each Heart you have at the end of the Wave is added to your Score... and each heart is worth 20 points!! Soooooo that means...
If you play a 6 Wave map... Start with 10 Hearts, kill all fiends, don't lose a Heart throughout the Waves... at the end of the Map... you have Fiend Score + (10 x 40) x 6.
Your score = Fiend Score + 2400
If your opponents are playing Heartgiver... Lets say they get 5 Hearts like in the early Leagues...
15 x 40 = 600 x 6 = 3600...
Their score = Fiend Score + 3600!!
If you aren't playing Heartgiver on Wave 1 of EVERY SINGLE MAP^... you won't have a shot at the Top 4. I can almost GUARANTEE that.
Simple enough... play Heartgiver FIRST THING... or don't complain about not making the Leaderboard...
This should go without saying... but let me say it... because... I am very thorough when trying to help people.
Look, I don't know what you don't know. So I have to cover the basics and you might be like "Bro, I don't need you to Dingusplain this to me... don't talk down to me like that yo!!"
For those of you reading this who don't know this... one of the ways score is calculated is by the MANA YOU PRODUCE.
So... Lets say you kill a fiend worth 10 Mana/Points... and your opponent kills a fiend worth 10 Mana/Points inside a Mana Mania Spell Circle... well... even at Level 1 each Fiend that dies inside a Mana Mania Spell would produce 110% or 11 Mana/Points... EACH FIEND...
The Mana Mania bonus goes up 10% per level... so a Level 5 Mana Mania would give you a 150% Boost to Mana/Points!!
Pro Tip: Currently, to see the stats on each Soulkeep Card, you must go into your Splinterlands Items (Backpack) and then either use the dropdown to select Soulkeep... or if you click on Items, then click on the Soulkeep Tab.
This is a pretty important but often overlooked bit of information gathering... I won't give you anything else here... but understanding HOW YOUR CARDS WORK is kind of important...
How many uses, duration, cost, damage, etc etc etc... it's all there... You wanna win big boy prizes??? You gotta play like a champ! It ain't easy... it ain't gonna fall in your lap!! If it were easy... the Rewards wouldn't be so hot because everyone would be doing it! Get to it!
This brings me to my first Tower... The Voodoo Ranger!
Just like Mana Mania and Heartgiver... this lil guy right here is a REQUIREMENT to place well on the Leaderboard.
Ok... good. You get me... "but why Dingus?!?"... I can heaaaaaaaaaar those thoughts... ok fine. Here's WHY:
Again... if you're not taking at least a FEW MINUTES to check out what each card actually DOES... well... do you reaaaaaally deserve a leaderboard spot??? No. You don't. You're not entitled to anything. You don't deserve a spot in the Mobile Infantry you lily livered chicken sh... Erhem... cough... Sorry got carried away with the Starship Troopers there... whew.
You should seriously check out the Stats Tab of your Towers/Spells/Hero in your Splinterlands Items... knowing HOW they work is kind of key to playing well...
Hopefully soon, at some point, we will be able to see this from the Soulkeep Game... but right now... it's in Splinterlands... Items... Soulkeep.
Pro Tip #2: Voodoo Sapper gives you a Mana Bonus for killing fiends. So does Mana Mania... Yes. They Stack. You're welcome.
Here are a few strategies to help you squeeze out a few extra points on your maps. These aren't requirements but good guidelines to keep in mind when placing Towers/Spells/Hero!
A. Slow things down BEFORE they get to your Voodoo Sappers (Slime Lord, Quake Maker)
B. Stun them AT your Voodoo Sappers (Tarantula Loom)
Pro Tip #3: Know the difference between Slow and Stun!!!
C. Upgrade your Voodoo Sapper Damage in higher Leagues... Level 1 upgrade is good. Level 2 is GARBAGE... Level 3 and 4 are GREAT.
Voodoo Sapper Speed... Level 1 is Good... Levels 2-4 are garbage but good to upgrade if you have the mana to burn!
D. Place your Towers/Spells/Hero far enough back to not rob your Voodoo Sappers of kills (Mana/Points)
F. Replay your battles and watch where you screwed up or lost lives!
G. Play Mana Mania during the LATER WAVES... If you have 4 uses... play them on waves 3, 4, 5 & 6... not 1, 2, 3 & 4... More fiends and higher value fiends come in the later Waves!
Pro Tip #4: If the "Spell Freezer" Ruleset is in play... PLAY MANA MANIA STARTING ON ROUND 1!! Try to play it every round and don't use all your other spells - leave 1 of the others (if possible) to increase the odds Mana Mania is NOT FROZEN!!
H. During your replay, screenshot your setup at the beginning of each wave. Save it via whatever method you want... Paint, Save to Folder with Map Name and League work for me... that way when you have a setup where you placed well... you can quickly load/use it in the future.
Here's a quick reference for you:
Epics + Legendaries: MAX LEVEL = LEAGUE LEVEL + ONE!!!!!
Well... there ya go... that's all I have for today... follow this guide, use these tips and I hope your Leaderboard standings go up!!
Good luck you guys n gals!!
That's all I have for you today folks!! Thank you for reading and I would LOVE for you to join me in game!!

Naturally, after everything leading up to this moment, I do think Splinterlands and Soulkeep are some of the BEST web3 games out there!
They bring the #play2earn feature to the forefront of development as well as many opportunities for people to earn rewards - whether Player or Investor!!
If you're interested in the future of gaming, it's worth checking out!
You can sign up here: Splinterlands
Cheers 🍻,
- CaptainDingus
#Splinterlands #Hive #Soulkeep #play2earn #web3 #NFTGaming #Rebellion #Conflicts #TowerDefense
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You'd almost think that Voodoo Sappers and Pheartgivers would be worth more, but they're pretty easy to pull from packs. Mana Mania, not so much. Weird how that works.
Thanks for giving away the secret! haha. Kidding.
Hahaha ikr!
That's why Mana Mania is so $$$
But I hope it helps :)
A helpful post and great advice as always
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 7/47) Liquid rewards.
Thanks Liberty!
Thanks for sharing! - @azircon