Good morning Soulkeepers and Praetorians!!
CaptainDingus here with another SUPER DUPER USEFUL bit on the recently launched #play2earn game: Soulkeep!

There have been a few people who have put up lists and useful information... so I thought I would compile those lists, info tidbits plus all the data I have collected too - and write it up for you in my usual style 😎
Shout outs to: @thomaswrocks, @megabloop, @tanyboi, @tehox and @arhov for everything they're doing for Soulkeep as players and special thanks to Arhov for their work as Player-Dev liaison 😄

A. CHEAP. At 55 Mana, these are the second cheapest Tower in the game and they fire very quickly!
B. When you upgrade their damage, it costs 70 Mana for the first upgrade but gives you 120% DMG so it's like getting another tower... plus a lil bonus 😉
C. When you get to the Range Upgrade - GOOD LORD these things can really reach out and touch someone!! They shred both lightly armored Fiends on the Ground and blot the floaty bastards right out of the sky!!

A. They don't do that much damage... and you may have a few Fiends get by you 😒

A. It's another basic, cheap tower and you get FIVE of them
B. Your first Damage upgrade will give you 100% Damage bonus!
A. Same as Knife Tosser... it does a wee bit more damage giving you a slightly higher alpha strike against the Flyers... but fires a little slower... which means mobs or really fast flyers OR MOBS OF REALLY FAST FLYERS might still slip a few past you 😵

A. Your Cheapest "All Purpose" Magic Damage Tower. FIVE of them!
B. Your first Damage upgrade will give you 100% Damage bonus!
C. They give a slightly higher base dmg 110 MDmg vs a Gloom Tower 60 PDmg which means RNG will removed a little bit...
A. Same as Knife Tosser -> Gloom Owl... it does a wee bit more damage giving you a slightly higher alpha strike against the Flyers and it's MAGIC DAMAGE... but fires a little slower... which means mobs or really fast flyers OR MOBS OF REALLY FAST FLYERS might still slip a few past you 😵
Bonus Content: These are WAY better against the lil Green Cauldron than Knife Tosser or Gloom Owl

Pros: Not many...
A. Uh... Does high-ish damage at the top end with 195 Dmg?
B. I've never really used this tower more than 1 or 2 times.
A. Yes.

A. Great GOOGAMOOGA do these towers pack a wallop!!
B. I don't use them often because there are better choices in Leagues 1-4...
C. Highly effective in groups and upgrades double up on the pain!!
A. Slow reload time @ 4.5 seconds
B. Better Towers at your disposal for the Mana

A. Cheapest Rare Tower Mana Wise
B. Good Magic Damage against Ground/Flying Targets
C. Long Range @ 345!
D: Cool animation lol
A. Only 3 Towers
B. Low damage compared to other options

A. I am funny 😅
A. I am funny looking 😑

A. Lots of Magic Damage
B. Good Magic Damage against Ground/Flying Targets for 115 Mana

A. Never Used it
B. Another option seems better for the mana...

A. Might do both Phys + Magic Damage
B. Decent range at 300
A. Only 2 Towers
B. Never Used it
C. REALLY long reload time at 5s

A. Does PURE Magic Damage (Armor is ignored)
B. Fast fire rate at 1.4s
C. Range upgrade at 25 Mana is CHEAP and very helpful!
A. Relatively high Mana Cost for DMG... but ignores armor...
B. REALLY cool animation

A. Hits up to 4 Targets
B. Decent range at start but for 50 Mana the range is GREAT
C. Can really take down pesky mobs of flyers in a HURRY... especially with Damage Upgrade(s)!!
A. Only 1 Tower... It was 3... but it was quickly nerfed... 1 QK, positioned properly can be the lynchpin of your defense and will make or break your game.

A. Provides 130% of usual mana per KILL the tower makes (this is IMPORTANT)
B. Decent fire rate of 2.2s but stout DPS all things considered
C. Can usually alpha strike light flyers of equivalent level
A. Only 2 towers
B. Must KILL target to get mana bonus and sometimes that can mess you up!

A. Can usually one shot Flyers at low level
B. 0 Mana!
C. Will block enemies (but if in close combat, will NOT shoot at flyers)
D. Repositionable (crucial when you know flyers move towards different Portals on different waves)
A. Not a Tower (article name says Towers lol)
B. Can DIE and then you're left in bad position
C. Long reload time at 3s means if a flyer makes it past Celene... you might not get that second shot - ESPECIALLY with Speed Buffs on the map!
Well... that's all for now! Make sure you check back for other guides, Codices, strategies and more!!
Thanks for reading and see ya later!!

That's all I have for you today folks!! Thank you for reading and I would LOVE for you to join me in game!!
Naturally, after everything leading up to this moment, I do think Splinterlands and Soulkeep are some of the BEST web3 games out there!
They bring the #play2earn feature to the forefront of development as well as many opportunities for people to earn rewards - whether Player or Investor!!
If you're interested in the future of gaming, it's worth checking out!
You can sign up here: Splinterlands
Cheers 🍻,
- CaptainDingus
#Splinterlands #Soulkeep #play2earn #web3 #NFTGaming #Rebellion #Conflicts #TowerDefense
great post, I'm still learning the best strategies for soulkeep. Celene is a beast
Yessir - she is essential in the high-ish Leagues, so I am certain she'll be needed up in Leagues 9-10 lol
I'm league 2 and that's hard enough, I can't imagine 9-10. Must be thousands of fiends coming at you
Finally! A list of anti-flyer towers! Thank you ser!