Good morning Splinterfriends,
Today I am going to address a question I am sure many of you are asking... If I were to Unbind my Soulbound Reward Cards... could I make some DEC from it?
The super duper short answer is: Mostly no... with an exception or three.
The reason for this post is an attempt to help the new and veteran players avoid a costly misstep... God knows I LEAPED at the opportunity to unbind one of my GF Legendary Soulbound Cards... I just KNEW it was going to be worth a FORTUNE!!
So this morning I thought I would help others avoid that pitfall... I have a little bit of time left after waking up, Brawling and spending all my DEC on this bad boy right here:
I got a pretty dang good deal on that guy too!! Bonus: If he doesn't perform well as useful card... off to the labor camps!
Anyways... back to the subject at hand... let's look at Unbinding and the costs associated with that:
What does that mean? Simple! If you have a Regular Legendary Card with a "Power" of 500 (It counts as 500 CP in your Collection) then it will cost 500 x 20 DEC to Unbind it.
From here, it becomes simple math:
Common = 5 Power = 100 DEC to Unbind
Rare = 20 Power = 400 DEC to Unbind
Epic = 100 Power = 2,000 DEC to Unbind
Legendary = 500 = 10,000 DEC to Unbind
GF Common = 125 Power = 2,500 DEC to Unbind
GF Rare = 500 Power = 10,000 DEC to Unbind
GF Epic = 2,500 Power = 50,000 DEC to Unbind
GF Legendary = 12,500 Power = 250,000 DEC to Unbind
Please keep in mind, Unbind costs are NOT static - they increase over time until cards reach a certain point then they become ineligible to Unbind!
With the current costs at 20x CP... is it worth it to unbind anything to attempt a flip for a profit? Let's check in with @peakmonsters and see what we can find!
The first and most obvious fact is: there are no bids on any of these cards... probably hinting at a low demand and thus a low probability of "Profit".
Let's start with the Top Left, the "cheapest" card listed: Tokatag Conscript...
Remember, it's 100 DEC to Unbind a Common... so let's see if we have an opportunity here...
It would seem, that you might be able to squeeze a few DEC out of even the Tokatag Conscript...
The "cheapest" card is a Level 5 Card with 60 BCX... It's listed at $.088 USD or 110.734 DEC currently.
The math on this is straightforward:
100 DEC Cost to Unbind
110.734 DEC Gross Sale Price
110.734 * .94 = 104.09 DEC - 100 DEC = 4.09 DEC Profit or 4% profit margin... and the price of a Single BCX is about the same so no need to calculate that too...
Now... is anyone going to write home about their 4% profit margins... probably not lol... but there is profit available!!! It's just not a ton...
Let's check down near the bottom right of the screen, where the "most expensive" common would be listed...
The Ujurak Brave is listed at $.108 per BCX (Card) and we can see that translates to 135.678 DEC at current prices.
This card has more profit potential for sure! Let's get to mathing!!
135.678 DEC x .94 = 127.537 - 100 = 27.537 DEC Profit or a 27% Profit Opportunity!! Ok... now we are talking (suddenly regrets burning my extra BCX)
Ok, that was an interesting bit of info - let's see if the GF versions bring a bit more $$$ opportunity!
The Halaran Huntress on the top left is listed for $2.00 or 2,508 DEC so that would actually be a LOSS for jeff4prez since the 6% market fee would make that 2,357.52 net DEC... or a -142.48 DEC Loss 😥
However, if we look at the bottom right for the most expensive card... we see the Mar Toren Trader has the highest price for a card right on the market right now at $2.68.
At 3,360 DEC that would yield a net of 3,158 DEC or a 658 DEC profit. This again is about 26% Profit should it sell... However with no sales, we can only speculate... Looking left though we see the Blackmoor Wild Elf has sold at $2.25 and the Skink at $2.50... or 3,135 DEC.
3,135 * .94 = 2,946 DEC or 446 DEC Profit if sold... which is not bad at all!
Moving on to the Rares I am just going to round down to the nearest DEC because typing all these decimals is a PITA. At the cheapest slot, we see the Dark Arborist is listed at $.316 or 395 DEC.
395 DEC * .94 = 371 DEC - 400 DEC is a 29 DEC loss... oof.
Bottom Right is Commander Slade who is bringing $.539 per copy and that translates to 673 DEC.
673 * .94 = 632 DEC - 400 = 232 DEC Profit or about 50% markup!!
Taking a look at the Gold Foil Rares, we see the Skyspire Leopard at the "Cheap Slot" and Continuum Seer in the "Expensive Slot" but they don't have any cards available and no Sale Data which means Thunderhoof Nomad is actually the top dawg here...
Skyspire Leopard: $8.75 list but market data says $4.20 sold...
List = 10,932 DEC * .94 = 10,276 - 10,000 = 276 DEC Profit or 2.76% Profit... yikes... however... it looks like it two actually SOLD for $4.20... which is like a 5k DEC loss... each. RIP 😭
The Thunderhoof however came in at $9.541 or 11,920 DEC
11,920 * .94 = 11,204 - 10,000 = 1,204 DEC or 12% profit... not bad.
Moving on to the Epics now... THESE should be good, right? After all, they are some of the most powerful cards in the set...
Ok... what do we have here... Shock Trooper is the Cheapo and Halfling Refugee is the Primo...
Shock Trooper is coming in at $1.80 or 2,248 DEC per copy which means...
2,248 DEC * .94 = 2,113 DEC - 2,000 = 113 DEC profit or like .5%... Point Five Percent... More like Shock Pooper amirite?!?!
Frodo Baggins on the bottom right is getting $2.40 or 2,993 DEC...
2,993 DEC * .94 = 2,813 DEC - 2,000 DEC = 813 Dec Profit or like 40%!! Yeah FRODO!!! GET YOU SOME!!!
Little bit of a switcheroo on cards here but Arachne Weaver is the bottom feeder price wise and as far as actual sales go... it should be no surprise that Olivia is top dawg... or Leopard... or whatever tf that is. Don't eat me.
A GF Olivia is currently commanding a $70 price tag! Holy Balls that's a lot. But is it enough...
Arachne Weaver gets 56,130 DEC so the math is...
56,130 * .94 = 52,762 - 50,000 to unlock which yields 2,762 DEC Profit or roughly 5%... Big numbers... but it is probably easier to sell Tokatag Conscripts at 4% profit than sinking 50k DEC into this...
Olivia of the mothafunkin' Brook on the other hand... at her current ask of $73.99 that is 92,291 DEC!!
92,291 * .94 = 86,753 - 50,000 = 26,753 DEC in Profit or right above the 50% mark... Olivia must be like...
Endless Gibbon takes home the Cheap Slot at $9.50 and the highest SOLD card is a tie at $12: Chaos Battle Mage, Sergeant Grauzral and Gallicus all snagged $12 per copy...
Endless Gibbon = $9.50, which is 11,823 DEC
11,823 * .94 = 11,113 DEC - 10,000 = 1,113 DEC profit or about 11%... again not bad, especially for the cheap slot!
At $12 though, things are a bit different and with Gallicus having a history at $12 and a current list of $12.66 we will use him as our "High Price" example.
$12 = 14,934 DEC and 14,934 * .94 = 14,037 DEC - 10,000 = 4,037 DEC profit or about 40%!!
That means the "Good" Legendaries are fetching about 40-50% Premium with the "Floor" Legendaries bringing home a modest 10%+ yield...
Not bad... not bad at all!! Now... the final category... let's see what the GF Legos bring!!
There's not a single unbound copy of a GF Legendary... this is either going to yield an EXTREME opportunity... or be a HUGE WASTE OF DEC... Not sure which... and if you are willing to be the Guinea Pig... remember at 20x CP it's 250k DEC to Unbind...
So there you have it!!! The complete guide to flipping Rebellion Reward Cards for Fun & Profit... or whatever... lmaooooooooooo hope you found it useful and don't lock up 125,000 DEC or more like me in a card you can't flip HAHAHAH 😵
That's all I have for you today folks!! Thank you for reading and I would LOVE for you to join me in game!!

Naturally, after everything leading up to this moment, I do think Splinterlands and Soulkeep are some of the BEST web3 games out there!
They bring the #play2earn feature to the forefront of development as well as many opportunities for people to earn rewards - whether Player or Investor!!
If you're interested in the future of gaming, it's worth checking out!
You can sign up here: Splinterlands
Cheers 🍻,
- CaptainDingus
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Thanks guys!
Done lots of unbinding with my CL soulbound rewards particularly, on gold foil summoners and was able to take decent profits but that's because they became available for unbinding after they became out of print. Rebellion rewards on the other hand will be a hard sell since they are still available on the glint shop so for the time, just gonna wait until they are out of print and hopefully by that time, we got a wave of new players that would want to get this cards.
I think certain playables are able to be sold rn for profit but I wouldn't go unbinding everything.
Like - I might unbind my GF Olivia and sell my 1 BCX but not my 2 BCX unless I had a direct offer.
@pero82 - take a look here and DM me on Discord please :P
LoL, I'm honored to be double-tagged, here and on discord. ❤️