Splinterlands: Rebellion Rewards Cards Level up Recommendations: Rare Edition.
This is my fifth post of this series, of how I recommend level up the Rebellion rewards cards, at what minimum level you should try to get the cards so they are useful even in maxed out battles, this is mostly for people that are not sure if they will be able to max out everything, like my case , currently I don´t have much time so I playing just for 2 days them rent my SPS and rest for 7 days, playing just around 4 days per season, so for people like me or players in middle levels that not have so much Glint or for new players this recommendation series should be pretty useful, this series is also a small review of the cards, if someone disagree with the cards levels recommendations showed here, feel free to put yours in the comments, what would you recommend on that case, in this way players can check both or more ideas and have more information to make their owns ones.
All Commons cards has been reviewed in the past posts, now is time for the Rare cards.
You can check my first post to see my general strategy that is mostly ignoring the legendary cards and going for the others 3 rarities or focus mostly in one until you reach the desired levels, you can also check the first posts of cards recommendation, between the first 3 post there are all the commons cards level recommendation:
First: https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@caimanx/splinterlands-rebellion-rewards-cards-recommendations
Meriput Slinger
Level 5 an interesting card with the new ability Impede, you definitely need the Slow ability but also the Reflection Shield will be helpful not only to Protect it from Blast but also for Return Fire, others levels bonus are not so relevant for a ranged unit, the Redemption ability is always good but you can live without it.
Janni Rebel
Level 5 where you get your third magic attack, this one is a very unpopular one due to for her Flank ability to work you need to put her as a tank but she not having tank abilities, however you can use her with a taunt on the back like Isiar and put a very strong melee in second position using her Flank ability a boosted by her Inspire, Jared Scar could be one of the best choices for this role or a melee unit with Inspire like Chaos Knight and going crazy with melee with 2 or more Inspires, level 6 to 8 bonus are quite good specially the last one that increases health and get a Divine Shield, both are good stats/abilities for a ´´tank´´.
Skyspire Leopard
Level 7 it gets his max amount of health/armor there after it only gets 1 attack and it is not so useful with just his 2 speed, he will just miss most of his attacks in most rulesets, this one is my less favorite of the Rare rewards cards, is a mini tank for 5 mana cost and currently there are better options for the place, even in just Modern like Evelyn Auvera, his only use I can see is in the Reverse Speed ruleset.
Dark Arborist
Level 4 it gets his second attack there, this one maxed out is one of the best Rare reward cards, if you are planning to maxed out any of the rare cards this should be your first choice, it gets his Void ability on max level, it is a Magic unit with Void and Magic Reflect, for the Magic only ruleset this is one of the best options of the game.
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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121