Right now I'm definitely against this proposal because it significantly devalues Node Licenses and any players who bought Node Licenses packs previously (at least in this current tranche) will feel like they are being "punished" since they paid a much higher price.
Right now with SPS = $0.0562326, the $5000 Node Licenses cost 88916.394 SPS (market value of $5000).
Assuming that Tranche 2 Node Licenses will still be at $5000 and DEC will be honored at peg value ($0.001) rather than current market value ($0.0005433), that means it will cost 5 million DEC which is just $2716.50 in terms of market value. That means buying Node Licenses packs would be almost half off, which is a significant devaluation.
I might consider voting in favor of an amended proposal so that the price of Node Licenses is increased so that the market value of Tranche 2 is $5000 (so in this case it would be $9.2 million in DEC, so maybe double the cost but make it require DEC instead of SPS, and adjust later tranches appropriately as well).
My question is how many 'punishing' DEC buyers would there be, and how many licenses would be sold before the DEC discount got negated? At current DEC prices, that would be millions of dollars of DEC to sell out this tranche (if my math is correct)? I think a few people may get a DEC discount, but it may be worth considering ripping that bandaid off since license sales should continue on for a long time. Is the market cap for DEC on tribaldex correct ($1,705,163.11)? How many DEC discounts would people get before the price of DEC shot up? I suspect not a whole lot. How many people are waiting in the wings with 5.9 million DEC ready to pull the trigger on more licenses? 2.9 billion/5.9 million is 500 licenses. So just shy of 500 would sell if you spent the entire circulating supply of DEC on HE at current prices on licenses? Even with that I think you might get a few takers. Going down the DEC richlist, there are only 28 accounts that could spend 5.9 million, let alone 9.2 million.
As an aside, the last license on HE sold for $1582 (~50% of tranche one). There is currently one listed for $1770, so I'm not sure why anyone would want to pay DEC or SPS retail for them in the first place so long as people are selling them for significantly less. If you were going to list them at all for DEC, now would be the time to do it. You'd be lucky to get a buyer lol. I wouldn't make the same arguments when it comes to RW packs because they are a different animal, and I wouldn't even consider selling them for DEC until the impact of DEC license sales is felt. RW has much smaller delta between retail and the secondary market btw, which would be a good reason NOT to discount them on the retail side.
The cost of a validator is not $5000 for pretty much anyone that has bought them. And only 5 have been purchased in tranche 2 anyway... but in any case because of voucher prices it's $2621