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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Split Ranked Battle Reward Pools By League

in #splinterlands3 years ago

I am still undecided on how I plan to vote, so I invite those who are for and those who are against to convince me on how I should vote with my 3 million staked SPS.

In general, I am in favor of the overall concept to encourage the use of higher level cards. As for the actual numbers, I am uncertain but it was stated by Yabapmatt that the numbers are not set in stone and they are changeable in the future.

My two biggest concerns are:

#1. Ratings inflation continues to be a major problem (and has been for years) due to rating being non-zero-sum as a result of win streaks. Saying you are a "Diamond league player" doesn't mean much if it could apply equally to a max level deck or a bronze level deck. If you are a bronze level deck that regularly beat max level decks then sure maybe your skill justifies you being in diamond league. But if you are a bronze level deck that got to diamond league by beating up other bronze level decks, then that's mainly due to ratings inflation and not really skill. If I vote "no," then I would be willing to reconsider my vote once Splinterlands does more to address ratings inflation. If I vote "yes," then it's under the assumption that Splinterlands is going to do more to reign in ratings inflation (otherwise I would be change my vote if this is not addressed).

#2. @pouncingpanda brought up a very valid point. For many years, many of us have questioned the need for Diamond league as opposed to Champion league (since they both have the same card level limits). So if the proposal passes, isn't this essentially 55% of the rewards for max level decks? Maybe it's time to get rid of Diamond league? Or to change Diamond card levels to somewhere in between Gold league and Max level?

I welcome polite and civilized discussion and arguments on why I should vote in favor or against the proposal.


After a lot of discussion and thought, I am going to have to vote NO on the current SPS proposal.

It won't change the end result, there are enough votes to pass. But for the sake of principle, I will have to vote against.

As previously mentioned, I am generally in favor of the concept of separate pools for each league. And I do recognize the need to incentivize players to level up their cards. However:

#1. The numbers are too distorted in favor of max level cards. Essentially 55% of the pool is for max level (Diamond + Champion). If you consider all the many incremental changes that have steadily favored max level cards (I wrote up an analysis here:, then I agree with several other players who feel that this distribution goes too far in favor of max level players.

#2. Ratings inflation still needs to be addressed. However, I am hopeful that Splinterlands is working on a solution.

#3. The current SPS proposal presupposes the existence and purpose of Diamond league. At first glance, 10%/15%/20%/25%/30% might sound like a reasonable progression.

But when you realize that Diamond and Champion league both have the same level limits and it's really 55% for max level, this all brings up the long-standing question: What is the purpose of Diamond league and should there really be a Diamond league?

I think one of my next projects will be writing up a blog post exploring what I think Splinterlands should/could do with Diamond League.

just look at the current distribution, and you want to take away 60% of the silver modern players now?

avg sps.png

reading the majority of the comments and having made up my mind about my small vote (only 1% of your power) let me share my thoughts with you, without troubling your head with much details

i play Splinterlands from day 1 ...i know how to play the game, my deck is not strong
only the last few months i begun to build my deck up to silver level far i was using novice - bronze deck
i do climb though high in leagues.. GOLD 1- DIAMOND 3
..most of my fights are against stronger opponents and i do win and climb the leagues just because of skills

i enjoy the game, actually i'm in love with the game
i really don't care if they reduce my rewards cause i'm not playing for the rewards...i'm playing for the thrill of the game
BUT with this proposal i feel like ,i'm getting neglected..i'm feeling like SKILLS have no room in Splinterlands cause SKILLS get punished

anyway i want to be 100% sincere , i do feel the proposal is a bit unfair but that doesn't mean i will stop playing the game or i will go against the game, CAUSE AT THE END OF THE DAY i play the game cause i love it as a game and i really enjoy it when i'm destroying higher level decks using skills and this is something that will not change

thanks for giving me the opportunity to address you with your comment