Hello it is I once again butops here to share my progress in the game of splinterlands.
As you know the new format is really quite something it makes you battle through skill and not by collection well you still need a properly leveled deck though so yeah with that said please enjoy reading this rather short post well is it though?
For Starters this is my progress on the last day of the season
last 10 hours of the season and my progress is silver II.......
well its better than being in silver III though
the earnings well...
well its better than silver III better earning like this since yer at silver now so to me its fine
just having a little problem on the battles sometimes with the agorny of playing (yes i made a pun on agor)but overall I'm taking it easy with everybattle and giving myself utmost focus in every battle for one slight miscalculation can be crucial in getting a losestreak . Just hope someone can sponsor some cards for butops.....the deck needs improving and I need some more SPS to increase my earnings.
So this ends my short social media post for this week hope you guys enjoyed my blab even though its short
Making the battlemage challenge after this but will try to play more before end of EOS just for the fun of it
Oh right if you are also interested in playing the game here's my referral link
I also stream splinterlands and play many games on twitch at butopstv where I always do my posts in realtime
so once again this has been butops
have a nice day and may you guys be blessed with better drops in chests
good job new reward system in apr 2 lets gooo
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