Splinterlands AMA Summary - September 10th, 2021 - 9AM Eastern

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)


AMA Summary

  • Speakers: Aggroed, Yabapmatt, Waffles Kitty
  • Main Topics:
    • Chaos Legion
    • Season Rewards
    • Scaling & Dev Work
  • Recording Link:


Chaos Legion
  • Pre-sale is still striving for September, but may go into October
    • Pre-sale vouchers are still based on your SPS stake vs. total SPS staked
  • Packs will be able to be bought with Credits, DEC, and SPS
    • DEC will probably be based on market price!
    • Packs will probably cost more than $2
      • Should help the overall economy by not flooding the game and give CL cards more value
  • Starter deck will include Chaos Legion cards when released
    • Beta & Untamed --> Untamed & Chaos Legion
  • Will have lower collection power than the existing editions

  • Team agrees that the current DEC earnings for leaderboard players seems unfair
    • Example: High bronze leaderboard player can earn almost as much DEC as Diamond players
    • Team will review this DEC earning system in the near-future

  • SPS delegation has been designed and may be released soon
  • SPS earnings from ranked battles will be based more on your league, rather than rating
    • Team wants to encourage building a more competitive deck and ranking higher
  • More SPS use cases are definitely a priority once scaling is less of an issue

Scaling & Dev Work:
  • Team is currently focused on critical issues that is preventing the game from running smoothly
  • New issues that keep popping up will eventually be prevented
    • "Game will be smooth sailing soon" - Yabapmatt
  • Team is looking to grow the developing team very significantly
    • Will probably double dev team fairly soon
  • A lot of work is going in to fixing the common bridge issues currently
    • WAX bridge has the most issues, will be next highest priority

Season Rewards/Cooldown Changes:
  • Starting with the current season, season rewards are based on the league you finish in
    • Not highest achieved anymore!
  • Cooldowns haven't been changed just yet

  • Anyone can play, anyone can participate
  • Even bots contribute to the economy like a normal player
  • Team is looking into making bots not affect the average player though

Reward Cards:
  • Still on track to be released on Monday!
  • See Eye Candy section below!

Modern/Wild Formats:
  • Not all reward cards will be able to be used in the Modern format
    • Cards with the Untamed and Chaos Legion frames will be allowed
    • Old Beta frames will not be allowed
  • Will duplicate the reward pool for both ranked formats
    • Team will look into changing it if needed after it is live for a few weeks
  • ECR for both formats is still being determined - Will it be split, or same ECR for both?

Collection Power Requirements:
  • If you want to earn higher rewards, you need to contribute to the ecosystem
    • The main concept of the game is to build your deck and achieve higher leagues

  • SPT rewards are still stuck and not being rewarded due to recent switchover to outpost
  • SPT rewards will be released once everything is cleared

  • Date: Saturday, September 25th, 2021 | 2 PM - 5 PM EST / 6 PM - 9 PM UTC
  • DYGYCON is created and sponsored by Splinterlands!
  • What is DYGYCON?
    • Digital conference with various blockchain projects, games, and influencers
  • Can pick up free swag and get in on a bunch of giveaways
  • Will have a super secret guest
    • Will be announced in around 5 days on Twitter 👀



More Reward Cards!





Interesting Remarks During AMA

  • Spellbook purchases don't correlate with card prices

  • Rentals are set in DEC while sales are set in USD due to rentals being put directly in escrows
    • Helps limit the price fluctuations

  • "There are no guaranteed rewards in this game"
  • The ability to earn is provided by the game, the rest is up to the player

  • "I don't use shampoo because I barely have any hair" - Aggroed


Potential Backlog For Splinterlands Dev Team

Minor Tasks:
  • Add small icon to let players know they are in an active event that requires an action (Cryptomancer)¹
  • Add DEC pegged value in marketplace so players have an ideal how much DEC would be required to buy a card, or how much they will receive if selling a card¹
  • Add a new setting to allow players to change the sound volume¹
  • Fix Hive Engine packs not being displayed properly¹
  • Add functionality to automatically stake your max balance¹
  • Alphabetize the ability list in the dropdown¹
Bigger Tasks:
  • Output more accurate error messaging and possibly include resources to alleviate the issue¹

¹ = Carried Over From Previous AMA's


Next AMA - Friday, September 17th, 2PM EST (1PM UTC)


thank you for posting these each week! everyone in my guild appreciates these summary's as well

Player from Philippines here, thank you for the summary. We see the developers' care and passion for this game that is why we are willing to spend time , energy and money for this game. More updates to come!

still fun to play this blockchains along the way!
Chaos one sounds like totally different things for splinterlands!

The current quest reard drop changing? Last night i got 7 DEC, hard to keep playing and as an investor this looks like the hype in rewards for new players is lacking?

The quest rewards aren't changing until the new Reward cards are released which is planned for Monday. Then, you should see a lot more cards in your rewards chest.

Ok the last week ama post said they were in them boxes already lol thanks

Thanks @tipu curate

Jesus, Brybry, nice write up!

Great recap!

My favorite part was
"I don't use shampoo because I barely have any hair" - Aggroed


Thanks again Bry for the amazing recap, but you weren't supposed to leak about Elon going to DYGYCON!

Hahaha can't wait to catch more fish than you again!

Being able to buy card packs with SPS will be amazing!
I have been staking all of my SPS now I have to figure out how much I should start holding out of staking to use to buy the packs when they come out.... hmmmmm

Great job man, best splinterlands resource by far, really clears up those burning questions that keep apearing in general

Appreciate the time it took to make this summary. I'm new to play but had bought some Alpha cards when released. Do you feel like my alpha cards will have value in the future or are they something I should sell off now? I cant really decipher whether I will be able to use them in future battles. thanks.

I don't quite understand this wirting could someone explain ? Sorry English is not my first languague
"Starting with the current season, season rewards are based on the league you finish in
Not highest achieved anymore!"

It means you have to maintain your rating and collection power through the end of the season to receive the season reward chests for that league. So if you are in Gold 1 for instance, you need to keep that rating and power. If you drop, you won't get the season rewards for Gold 1.

So much work and deatail, you save us watching the thing entirely!

I missed the last AMA, so thanks for continueing these summaries!
I hope a lot of members of our commnunity share this so we gett less questions of the same type in the discord channels.
But I have one question:

  • can I work less and earn more?
  • Ah yeah and this and this guy is an asshole but we all know that ...(JOKE PART!!!)

I give you my !LUV for doing these awesome writeups
and a good !PIZZA






@brybro27, you've been given LUV from @solymi.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/3)

@brybro27! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @solymi.

Did you know PIZZA team has a curation trail with 29 followers? (1/10)

Always great to see a post with the most important info we need to know. Let's hope the packs won't be too expensive. That would hold back the new players.

Keep up the good work
Happy splintertime

My estimate is $3 per pack, hopefully not more than that!

It's very helpful to know the latest developments of this SPL, especially for new people who are involved in this game, because not everyone can participate during the AMA, big thanks to you.

Thank you for the summary, really great.

Amazing summary as always

Thankyou as always , hyped.

So excited. It's so refreshing to see devs caring about their game. Don't see that much in the triple A gaming industry. What positions are you hiring for to expand the dev team? Is there any news on lands?

Thanks a bunch. Any hints on how much more the packs will cost and if there will be discounts for buying larger amounts (like it was woth untamed)?

The price hasn't been disclosed, will have to wait on that.

There won't be a discount, but rather you will get free cards if you buy enough. Plus you will get exclusive promo cards too if you buy in the pre-sale. Read more on that in the last AMA:


Thanks! ...again :D

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Thanks for the summary!
This always saved me quite some time

Thanks again for the summary of the AMA!

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 7

First - Thanks for doing these write-ups! Such a big help for people like myself who don't have time to listen to AMAs/podcasts/etc etc.

On a more troublesome note... was there any mention of fixing the game so it works on Firefox & Waterfox again? Or maybe making an announcement that it currently doesn't?

Right now, many thousands of people are under the impression that the whole game is down, as they've received nothing but a spinning loading screen for 2+ days.

This kind of lack of communication with the customer base has killed much bigger projects.

So jacked up for this new set

Great summary, thanks.🤙

Great recap ty!