Se puede ganar una batalla donde segun la herramienta de solo tengo un 40% chance de ganar?bueno veamoslo.
Utilizare esta batalla para participar en el reto semanal de splinterlands,la verdad no tuve oportunidad de jugar con el "Magic of chaos" que es la carta del reto de esta semana,en cambio les mostrare una batalla de pura suerte y entretenida de dos pequeños seres venciendo el gran "Forgotten One".
You can win a battle where according to the tool I only have a 40% chance of winning?well let's see it.
I will use this battle to participate in the splinterlands weekly challenge, the truth is I didn't have the chance to play with the "Magic of chaos" which is the card of this week's challenge, instead I will show you a pure luck and entertaining battle of two little beings defeating the great "Forgotten One".
Reglas de Batalla / Battle Rules
estas partidas de bajo mana y con blast se decide mayormente al que ataque primero,asi que pense,que cartas de bajo mana y rapidas hay para estas reglas,de casi todos los elementos que podia jugar,se redujeron a dos elementos,fuego y agua,aunque una pequeña parte de mi siempre cuidandome de un mylor que son peligrosos en bajo mana para melee...opte por jugar rango de elemento fuego.
these low mana and blast games are mostly decided by who attacks first,
so I thought, what low mana and fast cards are there for these rules, of almost all the elements I could play, I was reduced to two elements, fire and water, although a small part of me always looking out for a mylor that are dangerous in low mana for melee...I opted to play fire element range.
Formacion de equipo / Team building
Aqui aclarare los puntos de por que elegi esas cartas y su posicion:
SCORCH FIEND: Carta de 0 mana,perfecta para recivir el primer golpe
SACAVO CHEMIST: 5 puntos de vida y slow perfecta para bajar la velocidad enemiga
VENATOR KINJO: Reflection Shield para que el blast no le afecte cuando el scavo pase a primera posicion y nuevamente la habilidad slow para bajar aun mas la velocidad enemiga
GLOBIN FIREBALLER: 4 puntos de velocidad y 2 daño rango
SPARK PIXIES: Con 6 de velocidad y 3 daño rango ya es muy buena carta,pero lo importante para mi aqui,era el stun tambien, si me jugaban un tanke con curacion, no iba a poder curarce si lo estuneaba
INVOCADOR PYRE: Agregar un punto mas de velocidad a mis cartas,combinada con los dos "slow" de las otras cartas, hacen una diferencia de 3 velocidad en contra del enemigo
Here I will clarify the points of why I chose these cards and their position:
SCORCH FIEND: 0 mana card, perfect to receive the first hit.
SACAVO CHEMIST: 5 health and slow perfect to slow down enemy speed
VENATOR KINJO: Reflection Shield so that the blast doesn't affect you when the scavo goes to first position and again the slow ability to lower even more the enemy speed.
GLOBIN FIREBALLER: 4 points of speed and 2 range damage
SPARK PIXIES: With 6 speed and 3 ranged damage is already a very good card, but the important thing for me here was the stun too, if they played me a tanky with healing, he wouldn't be able to heal if I stunned him.
PYRE INVOCATOR: Adding one more point of speed to my cards, combined with the two slows of the other cards, makes a difference of 3 speed against the enemy.
La batalla / The battle
Siempre que empiezo una partida, no la inicio enseguida, me tomo unos momentos para analizar si yo puedo ganar o no, pienso que asi aprenderia a ser mejor jugador y mejorar mis estrateguias al elegir el equipo para enviarlo a la batalla, asi que analicemos un poco.
Whenever I start a game, I don't start it right away, I take a few moments to analyze if I can win or not, I think that way I would learn to be a better player and improve my strategies when choosing the team to send to battle, so let's analyze a little bit.
Analisis / Analysis
Para sorpresa mia no jugo ninguna carta con heal, aun asi el panorama no era bueno, atacaba yo primero,
el forgotten por su habilidad de Immunity no podria ser afectado por el stun, no solo eso, luego atacaba la carta legendaria de 0 mana melee, el forgotten con su habilidad Retaliate podria devolver el daño, acto seguido atacaba de nuevo porque era su turno y me mataria tambien al scavo.
en la segunda ronda atacaria yo primero pero aun asi no seria suficiente, el forgotten atacaria matando al Venator y el daño por blast mataria al Globin Fireballer, quedaria el pixies en primera posicion sin poder atacar ,en resumen,perderia la partida.
To my surprise I didn't play any card with heal, even so the outlook was not good, I attacked first,
I would attack first, the forgotten with his Immunity ability could not be affected by the stun, not only that, then I would attack the legendary card with 0 mana melee, the forgotten with his Retaliate ability could return the damage, then he would attack again because it was his turn and he would kill the scavo too.
In the second round I would attack first but even so it would not be enough, the forgotten would attack killing the Venator and the blast damage would kill the Globin Fireballer, the pixies would be in first position without being able to attack, in short, I would lose the game.
Para suerte mia, no se activo la habilidad del forgotten, entonces el scavo aun vive para la segunda ronda.
Luckily for me, the forgotten ability was not activated, so the scavo is still alive for the second round.
Asi empezo la segunda ronda, la verdad es que ya desde aqui se veia que iba a ganar, en esta segunda ronda cause 5 puntos de daño al forgotten dejandolo con solo 4 puntos de vida, el atacaria de ultimo pero el venator no se ve afectado por blast asi que queda en primera posicion dejando a mis dos rangos preparados para atacar la siguiente ronda.
So began the second round, the truth is that already from here I could see that I was going to win, in this second round I caused 5 points of damage to the forgotten leaving him with only 4 points of life, he would attack last but the venator is not affected by blast so he is in first position leaving my two ranks ready to attack the next round.
Aqui hay un punto importante a tener en cuenta, que pasa si la carta de 0 mana no tuviera daño? recordemos que el primer golpe al forgotten sin armadura se lo dio fue esa carta, el forgotten en esta ronda tendria 2 puntos mas de vida, aun asi, gracias al invocador, mi venator atacaria dandole el golpe de gracia al forgotten.
Here is an important point to take into account, what happens if the 0 mana card had no damage? remember that the first hit to the forgotten without armor was given by that card, the forgotten in this round would have 2 more points of life, even so, thanks to the summoner, my venator would attack giving the coup de grace to the forgotten.
¿Funcionó mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentare diferente la próxima vez?
Mi estrateguia funciono por mera suerte aunque aun asi, no puedo negar que jugue una buena estrateguia.
Algo que cambiaria la proxima vez es la carta "Globin Fireballer" , su habilidad "snare" para elimiar el flying en esta batalla con regla de "aim true" no funcionaba mucho, nadie podia fallar ningun golpe, comparemosla un poco.
Did my strategy work? What will I try differently next time?
My strategy worked just by luck, but still, I can't deny that I played a good strategy.
Something I would change next time is the "Globin Fireballer" card, its "snare" ability to eliminate flying in this battle with "aim true" rule didn't work so much,
no one could miss any hit, let's compare it a little bit.
En caso de que el forgotten hubiera activado su habilidad de retaliate y hubiera eliminado al scavo y la carta de 0 mana en la primera ronda,cuando el forgotten ataque en la segunda ronda el blast no hubiera matado al "XENITH ARCHER",recordemos que el blast del forgotten era de solo 3 puntos de daño.
Esto significa una oportunidad mas para la siguiente ronda en donde el pixis podria atacar de nuevo lo que me llevaria a la victoria.
In case the forgotten had activated his retaliate ability and eliminated the scavo and the 0 mana card in the first round, when the forgotten attacked in the second round the blast would not have killed the "XENITH ARCHER", remember that the forgotten's blast was only 3 points of damage.
This means one more chance for the next round where the pixis could attack again which would lead me to victory.
Porcentaje de ganar la batalla / Percentage of winning the battle
Ahora usaremos la herramienta para analizar la batalla y ver que porcentaje de ganar tenia yo.
Now we will use the tool to analyze the battle and see what percentage of winning I had.
Con tan solo 1 cambio mi porcenataje de poder ganar se duplico y es que es imporatnte tener en cuenta siempre que un solo punto de vida puede hacer una gran diferencia en la batalla.
With only 1 change my winning percentage doubled and it is important to always keep in mind that a single point of life can make a big difference in battle.
translation: deepl translator
My twitter BryanLz8764
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