how do the players feel who were able to get hold of the promocard, who were really happy and proud to have made it, when in retrospect their card is suddenly no longer as rare as they thought because more are simply printed afterwards? are they also affected by your feel-good thoughts?
I find it very funny that all the time when community, feel-good arguments come here, in reality only the players are considered by the change will have an advantage. an even larger part will have a disadvantage, but we simply fade out. but one should at least look at the larger part and not the smaller if one already speaks of community and not all in the view!
As I said, the little bit more doesn't matter. I would not be so petty now. There are few cards anyway, so what the heck.
you call the 15% more cards petty? that 15% is more loss for some than most people's entire accounts are worth.......