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RE: Market Listing Fees & Expiration

in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

you are wrong. because many people who are interested in splinterlands know that there are many problems in the rental market. e.g. bots that constantly update the prices to be the first to rent out and that at prices of 0.1 dec. this is not only enormous resources that are wasted there for nothing, but it also reduces our enjoyment. or have you not noticed how many people are angry because of the constant delays etc?
so there are a lot of people who wanted changes there. i would have preferred to introduce a minimum rent of 1dec. but the team has found another solution that is better for the tenants in any case. because my solution would have been more expensive for the tenants.

so even though it's not my favorite, i would have voted for it. because it's clear that there's a problem that needs to be fixed. and i trust that the team has chosen the best option.


Why not think about smarter solutions ?

for example:

Why not define that a rent can only have one decimal place ?
Why not just take a fee for price change (not for listing a card) and add a cooldown-time from f.e. 1 hour for a card who was listed at the rental market and delisted before they can be listed again ?

Why Splinterlands need this fees - I mean they take already 5% fee from every rental.

Let's say in this way: When you sell your house the estate agent will take a fee AFTER he sold your hours isn't it ?
Would you be glad if he take an additional fee every 30 days just for listen your house ?

why do you want to put a card that no one has rented for 30 days back on the rental market? the rental period is extended by 30 days after each rental without a fee ;)

It is also the question about new listing, cards whom you put new for rent or for sale.