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RE: Response to Our Proposal's Reaction

Appreciate your candidness with this response which takes a significant amount of courage to do. You are 100% correct that the response was not beneficial to the overall idea of the proposal even with its flaws. A post like this would have helped a bit prior to the proposal I believe. Either way, I think taking your experience and assuming that will be the case when all data for Roblox points otherwise is a big step for many others to take. I own the stock and the age data and who they market to is not adults which is predominately who will be interested in a TCG. Hope we can find other ways to market using a similar strategy you presented but to a different audience. Thanks again for your post and commitment to the community!


Hi David. Roblox in the last couple of months came out to say they are now supporting gambling, online dating, voice chat and looser language controls, because they want to target the older demographic. When I say I know what Roblox is doing, I am not trying to be arrogant about it. I study it daily so that is why I had hoped we as Splinterlands could be one of the first to enter this realm. When the time is right for Splinterlands, I hope they take a closer look at it and these opportunities. And thank you so much for your comment and support. I appreciate it.