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RE: New Reward Cards & Collection Power Update

in #splinterlands4 years ago

Im pretty much the same position as you, collection score is like 338k or something, Im currently ranked 146 and now i wont even be able to play in the higher tiers.
I always knew this game was pay to win but now its pay just to compete? seriously who cares how much I spent on cards. If I can smash someone with maxed cards using a silver deck then why am i being punished?

"sell your cards" yea great, ill sell my cards at a loss now because you guys ruined my investment? more worried about bringing out things for people to buy than actually making the game more popular.

Do you guys really think youre making the right choices Youve let bots run rampant through this game the entire time its been up and ive ever seen you lot praising people who run bots in discord, why? Because they had to put in a bunch of money. You didnt care they were raping rewards though, you fucking laughed about it, all the way to the bank.


Their response to skilled players beating those who paid for their rank is "feel free to sell your cards."

How dare we have a say in how our investments are handled!

“don’t have any business being there” that I with a nearly identical deck do have business being there solely based on my gold foils?@bigdizzle91 How do you feel about my deck being nearly the same to yours but I am allowed in champion league while you are limited to diamond 2 solely because your summoners are regular foil and mine are gold foil? Or because I won a gold foil alchemist and have a gold foil bila? Is it fair that when you

I know what you’ve got because we’ve played a lot and you’re one of the few players I have trouble beating and you’re more of a challenge with lower level cards than the permanent dwellers of the champion league. If I belong, then you definitely belong.

Yea I saw that I was like well, glad it says "we will see about player feedback" and then when the feedback is negative they just say sell yo shit. seems legit.

Ya its silly, I mean I sold all my gold foils to buy regular cards who had a lower dec value, if i had of known the dec value would ever come into play I wouldnt of done so.

It doesnt even make sense that they say "this way people who have spent more can earn more" but that depends on what you buy. I can buy a card for $100 with a dec value of $15, I still spent $100 on the game so how come it isnt worth 100k dec you know?

I dunno, maybe we're the odd ones out and this is the way forward for the game, just seems like the discord chat is full of fanboys that wouldnt dare say anything bad and its just as bad here.

Stalin called those people “useful idiots.”

I you are the odd one, i am too