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RE: SPL to the Moon!

in #splinterlands3 years ago


Conversely- The 24 (23?) hours of 'Focus', where using certain cards just gives you a % bonus to your earnings/Rpoints? That's just more of a grind and TBH- not a challenge. Focus cards aren't even required to earn Focus Chests, since all Rpoints earned count towards both Season Chests and Focus Chests. There's no more point to using your Focus, than there is to Fielding GF cards. Add to that, the fact that you don't get any Chests or Rewards until the Focus is done means:
There's no 'pay off' to doing any of it. No sense of 'accomplishment'. You play, you gather Rpoints, you can watch the (badly labeled) 'FP to Next Chest' bar grow- maybe even see that you have earned a Focus Chest but you don't get it, until the next day. It's just a grind, a grind that Battle Bots are better at anyway- so why play? Easier and better to just let the bot do it, heck setup the bot to claim your Chests, Claim your Rewards from Battling and Chests at the same time- just check in from day to day, see how your bot is doing


It went from being a challenge to about getting the most chests for the day which, exactly what you said, battle bots are better at.

As for demand... Just throwing this out there since there's a crap load of CL packs out there.. Why not allow the use of CL packs in the new TD game? I actually dont know why I thought we'd be able to use our SL cards for that game but was bummed out to find that we'd have to buy different packs to play it. With everything going on and all the things to buy on SL, right now I'm out - I simply cant afford to get into TD, but if they let us use CL cards... (hold my beer) I'll be all over that baby!