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RE: Announcing the Splinterlands Card Rental System

in #splinterlands4 years ago

This is amazing! Well done team and I'm very excited to see what groups like Yield Guild do with this.

One thing I've been curious about is the following situation...

I have 2 Flame Monkey cards (for example). One is Maxed out and the other has 97 BCX. I can now rent out the 97 BCX Flame Monkey card.

If I'm later awarded a new 1 BCX Flame Monkey card in a loot chest... and I press the Combine All Cards button in my Collection tab, what will happen?

  • Will my listing of the 97 BCX card now be a listing for a 98 BCX card?
  • Will the Combine All Cards button ignore this scenario and I'll have a Max card, a 97 BCX card and a 1 BCX card?
  • My 97 BCX card will be removed from the rental market and combined to a 98 BCX card?
  • Other?

I've been curious about this on PeakMonsters too where I do have some reward cards listed for rental, but have never actually paid enough attention to test and find out...