Splinterlands - Dragons challenge

in #splinterlands3 years ago

Hello everyone...

This week's challenge is all about Dragons. It is amazing that we have the freedom to choose any card from the Dragon Splinter. Dragon Splinter is amazing as it can "team up" with other splinters so I combined Dragon Splinter and Life Splinter. I did not want to play only Dragons because I wanted to show this amazing synergy between Dragons and other splinters.

Dragon challenge cover.png

You can watch my battle on this link.


Standard: No modification to the standard gameplay rules and mechanics.
Mana Cap: 20

I prefer to go with the Standard ruleset as most of the monsters really shine there while some are of course better in other rulesets. Mana cap of 20 is not that big but it is not small either so I managed to get few cards in my team.

The Lineup

I decided to choose Dragon summonera and the final decision fell on Daria Dragonslace. This is a great summoner that gives a +1 melee attack to all the characters. The only drawback of Daria Dragonslace is that it is slightly more expensive than other summoners. Still, I think the flexibility of the Dragon Splinter and the ability to combine it with other Splinters has an advantage over the higher price.

The Vigilator - the star of this fight. Card for my taste, with amazing artwork and even better stats. Dual attack makes this card flexible as you can play The Vigilator in the back where he can wait for his opportunity to end up in the first place, as a tank. When buffed with Daria Dragonscale +1 attack it becomes a real beast because of his "Double Strike" ability.

Double strike - Monster attack twice each round.

This card is even better when played in combination with Silvershield Knight and his "Inspire" ability. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough mana to add this card as well.

Silvershield Warrior - This card was perfect for me this time. I love the "Reach" ability that enables this card to attack from the second spot despite it is a melee monster. The armor is good as it will block opponents' melee or ranged attacks.

Reach - Melee attack Monsters with the Reach ability may attach from the second position on the team.

The most important reason why I picked this card is that Shilvershield Warrior got buffed by Daria Dragonscale so his 2 attacks and nice defensive stats were nice for this team.

Feral Spirit - Oh I LOVE this card. I play Feral Spirit whenever I can. If you need to outspeed an opponent and kill his last card, Feral Spirit is what you should use. This card really shines in silver and beyond with 2 damage instead of 1 but it is good in Bronze too. Try to play Feral Spirit with Silvershield Knight for more damage.

Sneak - Targets the last Monster on the enemy Team instead of the first Monster.

I was not able to play Silvershield Knight but Daria Dragonscale was here to save the day and to give my Feral Spirit an additional attack. Once paired with Daria Dragonslace and Silvershield Knight this card is unstoppable. You should try it out.

Furious Chicken - Whenever I have a slot for a card left I will play Furious Chicken. And yes this card is that good because it costs 0 mana. I won a lot of games where I play the same team as my opponent and the only difference is that I use chicken. Amazing card if you ask me!

I play this card to soak an attack on my backline. And as usual, this always works and it gives your monsters additional turn to do the damage.

Let's quickly go through battle and some key moments.

Round 1

Feral Spirit and his amazing speed enabled that I attack first and with the buff from Daria Dragonscale Feral Spirit knocked Fire Elemental out of the game. Amazing start. The Vigilator attacked Living Lava and destroyed his armor and he took a chunk of health. After that, Serpentine Spy knocked out Furious Chicken. Silvershield Warrior did some damage to Living Lava but half of the damage was blocked by Shield ability. In the end, Kobold Miner attacked Feral Spirit but the attack missed, thanks to Feral Spirit's high speed. Living Lava attacked The Vigilator but the attack missed.

Round 2

Feral Spirit once again attacked first and knocked Serpentine Spy out of the game. The Vigilator with his Double Strike ability destroyed Living Lava. Silvershield Warrior knocked Furious Chicken out of the game. Kobold Miner attacked The Vigilator and did 2 damage to him.

Round 3

MVP of the game, Feral Spirit knocked Kobold Miner out of the game and ensured another victory.


It was very fun to play with Dragons as they are really powerful and flexible. Dragon splinter allows you amazing synergies with other splinters which often leads to amazing combos like big melee attacks in Life splinter or Magic teams in Death or Fire splinters and so on. The Vigilator card is one I really like because of its Double Strike ability. When you pair that with +1 attack from Dragon Summoner and some other stuff you get a lot of FUN.

Thank you for reading. If you are planning to play #splinterlands consider using my referral link.


It is the perfect time to join as we are expecting a new expansion soon which will bring new #NFT cards into this amazing #play2earn game. While you can earn a lot of money in #splinterlands it is not all about money. Splinterlads are really fun and you can join for free.


Excellent strategy.

@tipu curate 2

Thanks for sharing! - @lenonmc21

Your strategy and alignment were excellent. Daria Dragonscale is an excellent summoner. On the other hand, always remember to share your battle challenges in any social network, help us to share this fabulous game with the world and also help NFTs and #play2earn gain much more strength.

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