Splinterlands - Beatrix Ironhand - Battle Share

in #splinterlands3 years ago
Authored by @Ashgarn

Hi guys,

Here I am with my first post on Splinterlands. Let me show you my first weekly battle challenge with Beatrix Ironhand.

Beatrix Ironhand cover.jpg

This EPIC princess belongs to Untamed card collection and she can hurt you with her sharp boomerang. In Splinterlands ranged monsters normally can't attack from the first position but this is not the case with our princess. Her ability "Close Range" allows her to attack from distance but she can come close and personal as well(on the first position).

Being 6 mana monster allows you to play her in a lot of scenarios. Her stats are not a joke too. On 1st level 4 speed is enough to outspeed a big percent of the cards. Her boomerang hits hard with 2 damage and it can one-shot a lot of lower health targets. Finally, her health is not the best but it is not bad either.

On level 2, this dangerous princess can hit even harder with 3 damage in her boomerang which seems like an amazing upgrade to me.

Check her out in this battle:

Battle rules: No legendary
Mana cap: 14

Starting lineup


Both oponnent and me started with same summoner, Mylor and amazing Earth summoner. His passive will return you 2 damage every time you hit him with melee attack.


Battle link can be found here

As the fastest monster on the field, Beatrix attack first to enemy tank and removes his armor. Stonesplitter orc then attacks my chicken and eliminates him from the field but he takes 2 damage from summoners thorns ability. He gets heald from Wood Nymph and attacks my Biceratops and removes his armor.

Biceratops attacks Orc and deals 2 damage while taking back 2 damage from enemy thorns leaving my tank with 1 health more. That Thorns ability is OP, I know.

Then, retaliate kicks in and Stonesplitter Orc kills my Biceratops. But once again thorns kick in and Stonespliter Orc is dead too.

Then, we are left with 1 v 1 between Wood Nymph and my princess which can win these duels thanks to her Close Range ability.

And there it is, another close victory thanks to my Beatrix Ironhand.

Strategy and monsters(cards)

Furious chickenI love Furious Chicken especially in combination with Mylor Crowling. I use him as bait or one free hit. And with Maylor Crowling, Chicken deals 2 damage as well. For zero mana your tank lives one hit longer, or your backline. Amazing right?
BiceratopsI had to choose a tank for this game and with limited mana, I decided for Biceratops. Relatively high health for 4 mana cards with armor that blocks 1 attack is great. When you add to that Thorns you have a pretty good option for the first spot with 2 damage. That means that he will do at least some damage to the enemy team.
Beatrix IronhandI chose princes because of the low mana game and the fact that she can do ranged and close-range damage. In this game, she just shines. If there was any other ranged monster I would lose. But not with Beatrix as she can attack from the first position.

As you can see my strategy worked perfectly. I maximized damage with Beatrix and Mylor while stalling the enemy with Furious Chicken and Biceratops.

The Verdict

Beatrix Ironhand is an amazing card when played right. I used it in this way but on top of my head, she could be good in no melee game too as she can take the first spot. High speed almost ensures that she will do some damage. I just started with Splinterlands so I am playing level 1 princes but I see that she could shine on level 2 with 1 more additional damage.

You can find the official challenge post here. This is my first post, so if I wrote this you can too!!

I hope you all enjoy in #splinterlands as I do. It is not just #play2earn but also a very good game.