Chaos Legion - FIRE splinter cards unveiled

in #splinterlands3 years ago

Oh, guys,

I am so excited to share with you the Chaos Legion cards unveiled on the testing server for Splinterlands. Some images are not of the best quality but I wanted to share this with you as soon as I could as I am excited by all the new cards. They look and feel amazing and I can't wait to start playing with them.

Let's get started :)


We will start with legendary cards and we will go down to the common ones. I am excited about all cards and cant wait to see them in play.

Ifrat Rising

We saw this card before and I would always say that he is a melee guy. And then he is magic, with amazing abilities. His stats are really good, even on level 1 with 2 attacks, 3 speed, and 8 health.

Ifrat Rising.png

Recharge ability is extra amazing as every second turn he will attack for 3x damage. That means he will attack for 6 magic damage at level one. Scary right. Forcefield is also great as he is protected from big attackers.

Ifrat Rising stats.png

Scorch Fiend

Another Fiend that we saw. A monster that replaces the Chicken for 0 mana. He has 1 attack, 1 health, and decent speed for 0 mana cost monster.

Scorch Fiend with stats.png

On max level, he has a speed buff for all other monsters. I personally think that this is an amazing ability and we will see this guy a lot in the higher leagues.

Forgotten One

Oh, such amazing art. One of the best in this Chaos Legion expansion. I am just amazed. And stats are going along with the art, even on level one. Immunity is great for all those debuff games. The attack is amazing with 4 at level one.

Forgotten One.png

Speed is not the best, but it is decent. Health is also good which means that he could be played on the first spot sometimes. Retaliate and Piercing is amazing abilities for this guy as that means he will smack you in the face with 4 damage.

Forgotten One stats.png

Tusk the Wide

I am amazed at the health pool on this guy. 12 health on the first level is just a beast, especially if you go with magic damage against him.

Tusk the Wide.png

He is very slow which means he could miss a lot, but we want to use him against magic damage where his Void ability will half incoming magic damage. Inspire ability is also very good for your Sneak and Opportunity monsters. He will shine in the reverse speed rule set. Not amazing, but a decent card.

Djinn Inferni

As predicted, a powerful magic user with decent speed and low health for a 7 mana cost monster. The card is really interesting because of Giant Killer ability.

Djinn Inferni.png

Even on level one with Giant Killer ability he will deal 6 damage. That is a lot. We will see how other monsters will defend against such damage. There will be some interesting games.

Scavo Firebolt

Such a cute card, and dangerous one. Even on level one, you get 2 damage for only 3 mana. Ok, the speed is a bit slow but still the damage is very good.

Scavo Firebolt.png

Abilities are not that fun but Knockout could be very useful in combination with some other cards. Damage could be doubled very easily. In the end, very interesting card.

Tenyii Striker

Another great card and oh is this guy fast. Five speed on level one is just amazing and add 2 attacks and 5 health and you got a really decent card.

Tenyii Striker.png

He is even better when you look at his abilities. He is definitely in speed meta with Dodge and Backfire abilities. If you can provide him Flying buff he will be very hard to hit. On top of that, he can attack from anywhere because of his Sneak ability. Just AMAZING!

Djinn Apprentice

Such a strong card for just 5 mana. Even on level one, you will get 2 magic damage and 4 health, and 2 speed.

Djinn Apprentice.png

What makes this card strong is a Deathblow ability that will deal double damage to the monster if it is that last monster on the board. I guess Llama + Kron combo won't be that good anymore.

Molten Ash Golem

He looks like another great monster for Yodin because of Close Range ability. His attack seems a bit low for level one in comparison with other cards from Chaos Legion expansion.

Molten Ash Golem.png

His abilities are really good with Weaken and Demoralize. He can really debuff your opponent. Some Death splinter flavor here :)

Radiated Scorcher

A cheap attacker for Fire splinter. He is not that interesting but he could be a good addition when we have melee can attack from anywhere rule set.

Radiated Scorcher.png

Shatter is a good addition as he could break enemy armor. The downside is that his speed is not the best so you will probably miss the opportunity to shatter armor.

Lava Spider

A card that seems to be very good with Yodin even on lower levels. For only 3 mana we get 2 damage with 2 speed. Speed will increase with levels up to 5 on the max level.

Lava Spider.png

Snipe is a great ability that will do some good damage with Blast ability from Yodin. On top of that, there is Poison for some extra damage.

Radiated Brute

Oh, I will play this card all the time. It is so amazing with raw stats and abilities. For 5 mana you will get 3 melee damage on level one with 2 speed and 4 health. That's decent. And when you add Reach ability it gets even better.

And the art. It reminds me a little of Undead from Wow :)

Radiated Brute.png

It gets even better on higher levels with Enrage ability. I see this card being used in almost every game. It just feels great. And yeah, it is common :)

Scavo Chemist

Another cute card for only 2 mana with tons of abilities. He does no have any attack but that's why he has 4 abilities.

Scavo Chemist.png

Rust is something that can help your Yodin team and then there are some interesting ones like Silence and Slow. Will Yodin dominate Chaos Legion expansion? I think he will.

Antoid Platoon

A card that is made for Little league ruleset and for low mana games. Stats are not that good in Bronze as it can be easily downed by magic monsters but against melee and ranged teams this card will be monster.

Antoid Platoon.png

Shield and Scavenger will be in really good synergy as your tank will get more and more health with every monster that dies. We will see how good this guy will be.


These are unveiled cards for Fire splinter in the new Chaos Legion expansion. These are not all cards as far I know. We still need to get Promo cards and I will share them with you as soon as I see them. How do you like those cards? Are you excited as I am? Can't wait to start playing with them.

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Have fun and see you on the battlefield.


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