How A Simple Trick Can Raise Your Win Ratio - Quick Tips Splinterlands

in #splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

When picking the cards for a battle we can choose from many monster, each one with some pros and cons, but there some tips that might help with you win rate.


Pick a target

In splinterlands we don't actualy play the battles, we just arrange the intial conditions and let an set of rules dictade the actions of the game. For example melees cards always have to be in the front row to attack, unlike rangeds that cannot attack from the first row. Magic in the other hand can attack from any position. Monsters will always attack the card in the first row, unles it has some ability that will change their target.


There are 3 types of ability which change the attack target:

  • Snipe
  • Sneak
  • Opportunity

Each one chose the target based on a different rule.


Talking about sneak, the ability with this name target the last card instead of the first. Usualy to protect from sneak attackers, some players place a off tank, or some high dodge card in the last position.


Monsters with the opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy monster with the lowest health.


Targets enemy monsters with ranged, magic, or no attack that are not in the first position, i.e. it will attack the first non melle card. Usualy great for taking down healers or other cards trying to senak in the middle of the formation.


Focus Your Fire

I know how tempting is to go for a bit of each other, all of them seems to have some upside, but more important than picking the right target is to actualy kill it.
There's no point on picking up each one of those, since each ability pick a different target, our damage output will be spread, this means that it will take longer to kill the cards because we are dealing a little bit of damage to eachone.
If instead we chose most of the cards with the same ability this means that we might take a card down in the first round, meaning a less card to attack us in the second round, snowbaling to the victory.

Let Me Show You

Here we have a replay of a battle that I only won because of this simple trick:


You can see how important is to take out cards before they have enought time to deal damage to you.

Wrap Up

Next time that you are picking the cards for your battle, bear in mind this concept, you will be surprised about how many battles this will win for you.

Hope you enjoyed this amazing TIP.


It seems to help.

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