This week's share your battle covers Grund, which is just a great fantasy name or death metal / hair metal band name. If I could rename my little spawn I'd seriously consider naming the one I wanted to get in the most fights at school GRUND
Grund has spent his entire life in the lowlands of Praetoria and has grown to love the land and its people. First introduced to the lore of battle as a hatchling, he has studied it ever since with enthusiasm. When he became a juvenile his hands found steel, an old rusting sword abandoned and forgotten in the swamp by some intrepid explorer. Before long it became an extension of himself as he applied all he had learnt, quickly mastering blade work. From then on, he became obsessed with the art of armed combat and he practised with any weapons he could get his hands on.
When he first met Bera Dallin in New Everitt he couldn’t help but marvel at her martial prowess. After having spent some time with her he became proficient in the use of the warhammer. His great strength meant that he could hold one in a single hand and so it wasn’t long before he acquired another and began to dual wield them in combat.
Grund is well loved amongst the people of Praetoria and he is a staunch defender of them, his strong ideals of honour and justice infused within in from a young age. When he heard of the Chaos Legion invasion, Grund took up his hammers in anger and sought them out immediately.
In Splinterlands, Grund is a high mana epic Earth melee DPS that also serves admirably as an off-tank as I'll show in today's highlighted battle. In Silver League where I sit & spin because of cash money flow limitations a lvl 3 Grund sits at a solid 4 Attack, 3 Speed, and 11 Health and Double Strike which lets Grund attack twice during its turn. This is pretty much great in every situation besides Thorns which just helps Grund go dead faster.
Looking at his stat sheet, he's an excellent unit that continues to scale well at higher levels. Trample lets him keep doing his thang, especially in Stampede or Melee Mayhem rulesets but remember, Super Sneak and Sneak in general doesn't play nicely with Trample as it only goes for the next creature in the formation and hitting the backline means there is no next creature after it dies.
Gaining Cripple at level 6 is gravy for reducing max health of armored foes twice when Grund connects.
Overall rating: 4/7 Units of Worth. Grund is great in high mana battles in Silver League for sure but a cursory glance of top battles in Gold+ doesn't show many appearances. His 3 speed misses opponents with Dodge / Flying / higher speed and 4 attack is low but also a good thing because of Forcefield (foreshadowing) that'll be a big factor in today's battle.
NGL as soon as I saw this lineup I got a bit nervous. No-armor Diemonshark can still wreck your day and Water's speed and survivability can overwhelm Earth before it can get its engine going. Plus seriously a Demented Shark is a thing of nightmares if you've ever swam in the ocean.
Luckily, Forcefield and better value / mana saved the day as the opponent paid for armor that didn't exist. My Unicorn Mustang offtank to help with a possible mirror match never even saw the light of day which was how one-sided this match got.
Round 2:
Round 3:
As you can see, Grund is tanking big front two melee hits but recovering nicely with Goblin Psychic and Khmer Princess Heals while the Mycelic Slipspawn absorbs all the other would-have-been-huge hits with Forcefield and doesn't even need Triage to survive.
In the end not a single unit was lost. My favorite outcome and the source of much obsessive compulsive Starcraft playing back in the day!
Full link to battle:
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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

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