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RE: Splinterlands DHF Proposal

in #splinterlands8 months ago

Splinterlands and projects alike are quite important for our blockchain and I see this as a reasonable ask to help support it. People generally seem to underestimate the cost of things I've noticed. Anyway, this proposal has my vote.


People don't realize how much it costs to build games, especially in web3.

Personally, after building CS for nearly three years now, I spent 155 K out of my pocket, plus 140 K from past sales. And we're just a small team of seven, with a commitment mostly part-time/free-time.

I can't imagine their operating costs, even when reduced to the bone.


PS. Direct link to vote this proposal:

It's a for profit company. This is nothing but a short term bailout.
They admitted they have lost track of and mismanaged funds in past. This is ridiculous. Without many supporting this having a financial reason (holding splinterland assets) this would not be supported

I don't think it's just about the assets, I hold no spl assets for example but I do think they have potential to be a great onboarding project for hive once they do better as they've proven that in the past. Ofc I think they could've done more to convert the players into more hive eccentric users but there was talks about improving there and they've acknowledged that funds were misused and there's been changes in the team around that so I hope it goes better for them in the future for both them and the players and hive.

I just don’t buy it. They’ve admitted total misuse of funds in past and I think this is rewarding a company that frankly is on the outs due to there extreme misuse of funds to there own admission…

That said I do agree not all are voting because of personal assets and I know you especially aren’t. I believe you truly believe in it helping our platform and I respect your take 100%. I just don’t see them bringing much to Hive at this point and I see and hear from many here they are tired of the mismanagement and have checked out. But again I very much respect your sincere opinion! Cheers! 🍻

Yeah, I guess I don't see it as "rewarding" them but helping them out when they're down and in general there's a lot of funds going to way less impactful things from the DHF in my opinion from what I've seen over the years. I don't know much about spl these days, haven't had time to look into things deeply as I've been busy with my own things but I trust the person I believe is in charge now, yabap, and I hope whatever funding they may receive from hive will help them out. I also know that they've also asked for funding from their own DAO and are powering down all the hive they bought at much higher prices which is something I realize must suck as I've been in the same situation often so I can emphasize with that and realize they really must be desperate/in a dire situation and I'd hate to see the project just die off/go away.

It's difficult to tell how much impact this funding will have and when the markets will decide to let overlooked decentralized projects get some funding but I know there's many projects on Hive kind of in the same boat, either waiting/delaying things or trying to cut costs in any way they can. Don't know which will survive/make it through and flourish after but all I know is that Hive itself will survive thanks to the work the blocktrades team have put into making it as scalable and easy to run as possible.

People generally seem to underestimate the cost of things I've noticed.

Maybe unbundling the use of money will help people to understand, think that there are games with good development that require less to maintain.

Yeah, I think @rivalzzz had some good questions in this comment section regarding that.