No surprises there, and if it helps whatsoever, I can tell you that we have quite a flexible/adjusted curation, both in ocd and zingtoken based on activity and hive price. For instance you may notice @zingtoken often votes on @hbd.funder which pretty much means no author rewards go out for those. Naturally we wanna reward people a bit extra after hive 2-3x'd but I feel like more projects should adjust how much they give out during price fluctiations or at times like these when there hasn't really been much new users coming in (yet, I hope). This way those that were here during the low's and stayed staked "win" a lot more than those constantly extracting cause else it means they can just extract more value now when price is doing better.
Anyway, don't wanna defend some users' extraction or anything, it's quite weird how active some are in the community but hold no tokens or alpha vials for instance and a bit sad considering how much rewards they may have made, but I assume the same happens everywhere and curator's should definitely adjust votes based on how active that author is socially, how vested they are and providing value in different ways other than just posting and going afk potentially on other accounts, etc.
So yeah, while you're right it's definitely something we're at least trying to improve on so it doesn't become too bad and I hope more project's would care about that too.
Honestly though, on a positive note.. this research project has made me genuinely curious about Holozing :)
Going to check that out asap!
use my ref if you haven't registered yet ;P (fair launch and stuff so even as the founder using ref link is nice haha)
@jfuji is on your Design Team!!!
They were in my Guild "Bitcoin & Brews" for a long time!! They're awesome!!
Haha yeah he helped out quite a bit in the beginning, hopefully more in the future when we need his scope again!
I am going to ask one last question and I dare not ask it on the Holozing Blog or Discord...
How do you "Play" the game? I don't see an option... or do you need to get Vials/Monsters/Stuff first?
No worries haha it gets asked often, not yet playable unfortunately, small team, rough q1-3 of 2024 and overly complex backend and game logic for a soon to be alpha. We hope to allow players to do the basic gameplay very soon however!
No worries - I just saw all the fanart and content, so I thought it must be out!
That's a relief :)
I'll have to snag an Alpha Vial or Three :)
Indeed! Parenthood has taken over most of my free time but I still keep tabs on Hive-world ;)
:) Thank you!
You got it!
Cheers! 😃
It's one of the things I've bought with posting rewards. Alpha vial 😍 yes come join the club!