TIME MAGEEdition: CHAOS LEGION Rarity: RARE Element: LIFE Attack: MAGIC Abilities: Slow | ![]() |
My Battle
Mother Khala: Low mana battle, the extra health should be useful.
Chaos Knight: Low mana battle, a low mana tank is needed.
Time Mage: Because I don't have a choice.
Stitch Leech: Low mana monster with sneak.
Result: Loss
Being a low mana battle I did not have a lot to work with. Also, given that the starter cards for the life deck have a lot of shields with low health. I was perfectly countered with a large number of low mana magic cards on the enemy team.
Lessons Learned
In the future I would use Time Mage in higher mana battles where damage can be better absorbed by other cards.
Do I like the Time Mage?
No. It is not a card I have any desire to use.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121