Daily Quest #1

in #splinterland3 years ago

Hey everyone, hope all is well. Glad you stopped 😀 by I am going to be posting my quest and rewards everyday. I do have 2 accounts so I will hopefully be able to be posting about 2 quests in each post for now this one will just be my main account. This post will be a short sweet one because this quest is from yesterday and since this is my first post for Daily quests I figured this would be great practice. So I did buy a quest potion which was 750 DEC I got really lucky and pulled my FIRST reward gold card it was awesome to see it turn gold. That gold Pelacor Mercenary saved the day making the quest potion worth getting. That Naga Assassin was a nice cherry on top. What do you guys think was it worth the 750 DEC? Should I get another quest potion for the blog??? Again thanks for stopping by and I good luck with all your battels and loot chests.