SPK Network Daily Report
Daily Accounting
Total Supply: 93818264.983 LARYNX
- 85775046.061 LARYNX liquid
- 6142412.736 LARYNX Locked to Govern
- 1900806.186 LARYNX in distribution accounts
89039.794 LARYNX has been generated today. 5% APY.
0.2500 is the marketing rate.
0.0500 is the node rate.
Node Rewards
LARYNX Auction Results:
89039.794 LARYNX has been minted and purchased with 1.000 HIVE today.
DEX Report
- 1.000 HIVE per LARYNX
- 1.000 HBD per LARYNX
Daily Volume:
- 0.000 LARYNX
- 0.000 HIVE
- 0.000 HBD
SPK Report
- 0.728 SPK minted today.
- 0 file verifications today.
- 25 accounts rewarded for storage and validation.
- 25 accounts rewarded for staking LARYNX to the above service providers.
- 97 MB stored in network.
137 files in network.Visit dlux.io
Visit our DEX/Wallet
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Stop @ Mentions - HiveSigner